Climate Justice Message of the Month

MARCH 2025
Let’s get personal. Study after study shows that the best way to get people to take action about global warming is not through facts but through stories and personal examples. So now more than ever is the time to tell and show why you care about the climate and how it affects the people and things you love. Think of how global warming—which supercharges extreme weather—has changed your life and then share that with at least one person during a conversation. How has it affected your family health, your pets, your food, your hobbies, where and how you can travel? Talk about the pleasure you’ve found in the changes you’ve made like new flavors in Meatless Mondays, the benefits of walking more, or exploring wonders near home instead of flying to a far destination.
Get creative. If music is your thing write or find music about climate issues or nature, then play it for others. Make art about nature with nature colors. The options are limitless if you write. Stories, poetry, op-eds, nonfiction. Recommend climate books to fellow readers.
Share your experiences and stories with people who love the same things you do whether it’s gardening, bird watching, photography, cooking (and eating!), fishing. The list is endless.
Think like an advertiser. Advertisers count on repetition to get people to buy or act.Wear climate action tee shirts, pins, and hats to the places you go. Put a climate sticker on your car. Raise awareness for climate action often and however you can.
Scatter seeds of climate awareness wherever you go.
Here’s a recap on what SCAN is doing for the legislative session which started Jan 13, 2025. We are watching and advocating for issues around Environmental Justice, waste management/recycling reform, Climate Commitment Act implementation and Legacy forests.
How to comment on a legislative bill-
We are also participating in the push against the expansion of the Sea-Tac Airport – five organizations have united to form the Sea-Tac Airport Community Coalition for Justice (STCC4J), advocating for No Added Harm from the Sea-Tac Airport Sustainable Airport Master Plan (SAMP) The Port of Seattle says there will be no added harm: Sea-Tac Airport says major expansion will do little harm. Neighbors don’t buy it!