Stewardship Teams are charged with making wise use of all of the material resources of Saltwater Church.  We take care of our buildings and grounds (Facilities Team).  We oversee day to day financial functions as well as longer term tasks such as development of the annual budget (Finance Team).  Our Fundraising Team plans and carries out events that raise money and also build community.  The Pledge Team plans and carries out the annual giving drive, working to ensure every Saltwater Church member has an opportunity to learn where the money goes, what our sources of income are, and how our pledges support our programs.  The Endowment Fund Team makes investment decisions for our long-term funds.  

Stewardship is far from a dry, dull exercise.  All five teams which comprise our Stewardship Operations have volunteers who are passionate about Saltwater Church in one way or another. Whether creating and maintaining beautiful grounds, keeping our aging buildings in good repair, thinking up innovative and fun fundraising events, being frugal about how we spend members’ hard-earned money, communicating the joy of giving, or managing our long-term investments. 

To get involved, get in touch with the contact person of the team that interests you.

Stewardship Teams
Image result for buildings and grounds

Facilities Team, Leads: Glenn Andrews

This team organizes the maintenance and repair of our buildings and grounds. This team holds periodic group sprucing-up events–join in, have fun, help keep our church beautiful inside and out. Small tasks come along occasionally and your help is appreciated.

Pledge Team, Saphronia Young, Lead, 253-632-9553,

This team plans and carries out the annual drive, working to ensure every church member has an opportunity to learn where the money goes, what our sources of income are, and how our pledges support our programs. To join the team, contact Saphronia.

Finance Team, Gaye Greeves, Lead, 253-508-3961,

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This team oversees day to day financial functions, helps ensure members’ hard-earned money is spent wisely, provides input to the Board for use in developing the annual budget, and this year will assist the Board in assessment of the church’s long-term financial stability and sustainability. Finance Team and Treasurer together review the month to month financial status of the church, keep the Board apprised of the financial status, and advise the Board, operations leads, staff and congregation regarding all financial decisions.

Fundraising Team Lead is Anjali Lopez,, 206-650-6359

This team works with volunteers throughout the church to offer events and activities that raise money for Saltwater UU Church, our youth group, and community events.

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Endowment Team

Helping to make sure that Saltwater will be here for future generations, the Endowment Team manages memorial and other gifts and encourages members and friends to include Saltwater in their plan for the future.

Want to get involved? Contact our Office Administrator at