Thematic Ministry
Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Church uses the Soul Matters themes and materials to connect worship, religious education and small group experiences so that we are having a shared conversation across the generations.
Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30. Through music and stories, prayers, poetry, and silence, and words that both comfort and challenge, our worship services awaken us to our capacity to make a difference in our own lives and in our communities. Together we rejoice and grieve, connect to our own worth, and bring love and justice into the world.
Religious Education
Our educational program is designed to support each of us in the lifelong journey to grow our souls and deepen our connection with the sacred. Saltwater Church offers religious education opportunities for all ages, including Sunday morning classes for children and youth and discussion groups and workshops for adults.

Join us to deepen our faith together:
- Attend Sunday worship
- Request information about our small group ministry (Director of Faith Formation)
- Request a copy of Soulful Home (thematic resources for families)
- Join our Facebook Parent Group (to discuss the themes in relation to parenting)