If you are sick, please stay home. In order to care for our collective well-being, we strongly recommend that anyone who is eligible to be vaccinated do so, especially before participating in indoor activities.

COVID-19 Guidelines for all programing

For all church programs, masking is encouraged but optional. Please respect the choice of those who continue to wear a mask. Masks available at Visitor Desk

  1. If you are sick, or think you may be getting sick, please stay home and participate by zoom.
  2. Masking and social distancing are optional.
  3. Eating and drinking is ok.
  4. Please respect the choice of those who continue to mask and practice social distancing. 
  5. Group leaders will do what is feasible to increase ventilation: open doors and windows when possible, turn on heating system, or put on air purifiers (available in Sanctuary, Office, and Lighthouse).

The Saltwater Board met and reviewed and updated our COVID-19 Safety Guidelines
For a printer friendly copy of the guidelines, please click here.