(Previously referred to as Family Ministry)

Parents and caregivers are our children’s primary religious educators, through offering explanations and advice, and by modeling attitudes toward faith, meaning, and purpose that children will notice and copy.  Our Multigenerational Faith Formation program offers tools for families to support one another in discovering and rediscovering a seeking, active faith in the context of our family lives.

Parent Facebook Group:  You can also connect with other Saltwater Church families with children and youth for support through the Parents Facebook group, open to members and friends of Saltwater church who are parenting children or youth:

Families are encouraged to fill out a registration form for any children and youth participating in classes and activities at Saltwater Church.  This helps our staff and volunteers with planning programs, and helps us know your family better. 

To register, contact Jessica Nash, our Director of Faith Formation at

Middle and High School Youth Group (grades 6-12)

Youth will meet for social events several times a month. The Youth Group works with adult advisors to plan programs which include personal sharing, discussion of religious and ethical issues, guest speakers from other religions and from the community, service projects, participation in district youth conferences, and worship. This year youth will explore the monthly church-wide themes. Contact Amanda Radak or see the church newsletter for more information.

Borrow our Books!  Have your children run out of books to read, with school and public libraries closed? Would  you like to borrow a collection of books, along with some crafts and activities your kids could enjoy for a while, then pass along to another family?  I’d love to loan a collection of books to your family to enjoy while we can’t be in our building together.  Contact our Director of Faith Formation to borrow books from our library.

Resources for Talking with Children about Racial Justice:   If you are struggling to know how to talk about current events with your children, or looking for other resources to support you in anti-racist parenting, this collection may be helpful.

Creating Sabbath Space 
If you haven’t yet checked out the Sabbath Space resources from Soul Matters, I encourage you to do so! Each weekly installment includes:
  • Guidance for building a family home altar, growing it each week by adding a new component one by one.
  • A family worship to honor those weekly additions to your altar
  • A couple of “after-worship” activities to continue your family Sabbath time by connecting and relaxing together.



Why Come To Church?

Children who come to church regularly:

  • Make friends they look forward to seeing on Sunday.
  • Know their teachers and develop a valuable relationship with them.
  • Understand the theme of the curricula.
  • Are familiar and “at home” with the church buildings.
  • Naturally memorize the repeated words and songs in worship.
  • Know and look forward to the cycles of events and rituals of the church year.
  • Develop a sense of belonging; know names of many people of all ages.
  • Develop a sense of stewardship about the church and feel fulfilled when they have helped.
  • Feel a sense of ownership of their religion, their church and the RE program.
  • Adults who come to church regularly experience similar satisfaction.

Children who drop in once a month or less do not experience the richness of the community. It becomes another ‘thing to do’ rather than an integral part of family and spiritual life.

Busy lives need spiritual practice that binds the family and community in shared experience. Angus MacLean once said, “Religion is caught, not taught.”

At Saltwater Church, we support the involvement of children, youth, and families in all aspects of congregational life: