Planting Seeds (in person), Penning Words (on Zoom)

In Person: Planting Seeds of Possibility with Community Minister Rev. Jennifer Alviar What can gardens teach us about caring for the Earth and caring for our souls through nature-based spiritual practices? Join us for an inspiring, community-building, seed-planting ritual service guided by these poetic words: “You are the gardener of your life, tend to what … Continue reading Planting Seeds (in person), Penning Words (on Zoom)

Mindful Embodiment: Qigong (in person) & Yoga (on Zoom)

In Person: Qigong with Jean Spohn pronounced “chi gong,” was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves using exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being. Qigong has both psychological and physical components and involves … Continue reading Mindful Embodiment: Qigong (in person) & Yoga (on Zoom)

Swing Dance for Every Body (in person) & Pair Sharing (on Zoom)

In person: Accessible Swing Dance Basic Lesson Please join Lua Wolf for their first swing dance teaching experience! They write, “I have been swing dancing for seven years. I started dancing with Tri-Town Swing in Kennewick Washington, and decided to move to this area once I realized that Kennewick does not offer enough dancing for … Continue reading Swing Dance for Every Body (in person) & Pair Sharing (on Zoom)