Looking for resources to further your religious education and spiritual growth? Check out the selection of online resources for youth on a variety of Growth and Learning topics below.
beliefs and values
- Can Unitarian Universalists Really Believe Anything?: We truly are a theologically diverse spiritual community. Because there is such a diversity of practices, ideas and beliefs some might say “UUs can believe whatever they want.” They’re almost right, except for being pretty wrong.
- Belief-O-Matic: Even if YOU don’t know what faith you are, Belief-O-Matic® knows. Answer 20 questions about your concept of God, the afterlife, human nature, and more, and Belief-O-Matic® will tell you what religion (if any) you practice . . . or ought to consider practicing
spiritual growth
- Spirituality and Worship: Our faith tradition holds diverse theological perspectives and supports a variety of spiritual practices. Through worship, ritual, small group ministry and other practices, Unitarian Universalist (UU) youth and young adults can find support, inspiration and transformation in our communities.
life issues
- Transitions and Rituals: Unitarian Universalists believe in supporting our youth and young adults through times of transition. These life stages are full of changes which include loss, gain, confusion and growth. Our faith offers resources to help us make meaning of the changes we may experience as youth and young adults.
- Resources for youth and young adults of color: Leadership, social justice, educational resources, community building, advocacy, and more
- Resources for queer youth: resources about sexual/affectional orientation and gender identity for youth, their families and allies; youth with parent(s) who identify as such; and those who work with them.
- TeenLink: Our teen volunteers are trained to listen to your concerns and talk with you about whatever’s on your mind – bullying, drug and alcohol concerns, relationships, stress, depression or any other issues you’re facing. No issue is too big or too small! Calls and chats are confidential and anonymous. Teen Link empowers youth to make positive and self-respecting decisions and provides resources and assistance. Teen Link includes a statewide teen-answered help line, online chat support, youth suicide prevention training, and other resources. Teen Link focuses on serving youth in the Seattle-King County area and Washington State.
social responsibility
- Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice: We offer immersion learning journeys, justice training programs, summer internships, and direct volunteer opportunities with partner organizations in the U.S. and abroad. All programs are designed to help people cross boundaries, gain insight, and imagine new ways to make a difference in the world.
- Service and Social Justice for Youth: Service and social justice work are some of the ways that people talk about putting their faith into action. Here are a few different ideas, resources and groups to get you started.
Unitarian Universalism
- Unitarian Universalist Youth Programs: High school-age UUs put our faith into action every day by daring to be real, showing acceptance and support, leading with courage, and acting for justice. After all, what is religion for if it isn’t about changing your life—and changing the world—for the better?
- Blue Boat of Youth Ministry: Youth, check out this UU Blog for all things youth ministry, including YouTube clips, articles, opportunities for involvement, and much more.
- Religion in Life for Girl Scouts: a religious recognition program for Unitarian Universalist girls, grades 4-12, who are also Girl Scouts.
- Religion in Life for Boy Scouts: Religion in Life for Boy Scouts is a program in Unitarian Universalist identity for ages 12 to 18. Suitable for Boy Scouts and others wanting to learn more about their Unitarian Universalist faith.
- Regional Youth Events: Conferences, camps, and trainings for high school age youth
- Youth Leadership: Are you a youth leader? Do you want to grow your leadership skills? This page offers resources to assist youth leaders as well as opportunities for youth to expand their leadership experience and be recognized for their work.
We welcome your suggestions for resource content for this page. What have you found that is exceptional?
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