Adult Religious Exploration
Whether you are seeking spiritual development and/or practice, tools to face life’s challenges, alternative ways of being present and aware in this world, intellectual stimulation, an in-depth exploration of our faith history or values, or an outlet for body/mind/spirit integration… our congregation offers an array of diverse and flexible opportunities for you to advance your journey.
This fall we are starting theme-based ministry here at Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Church. Using the Soul Matters themes and materials, we plan to connect worship, religious education and small group experiences so that we are having a shared conversation across the generations.
Adult Spiritual Growth
Chalice Circles are groups of six to 10 people who meet for two hours once a month to share their lives and discuss the big questions of life. Want to know more about Chalice Circles? Want to participate? Email Susan Aigner for more information.
The Writers’ Group meets Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. – noon, online, to share original pieces of writing with each and to offer encouragement and constructive criticism to each other. For more information, contact Mike Yanega, Debra Valpey, Joan Tornow, or Growth and Learning Lead Susan Aigner.
The Art Wall showcases art of members and friends of the congregation. (The Art Wall is on hold until we are back in our building.)
Explore the Growth and Learning resources section of our church website:
Looking for further resources for Adult Growth and Learning?
Check out the UUA Bookstore and the Saltwater Church library in our office building. Also see our Connections pages page for additional opportunities for fun and fellowship, as well as caring and support.
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Want to offer a new class or start a group? Contact Susan Aigner with your Growth and Learning questions and suggestions