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Date(s) - Sep/17/2017
11:45 am - 12:45 pm
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Dear Friends,
As you know, we have called a special congregational business meeting for Sunday, September 17, 2017
after church to vote on just ONE bylaw amendment.
I have pasted the proposed language, and the existing language, below. Please be an informed voting congregant and review this, consider the changes, and feel free to ask Board members about specific language. We will be presenting additional bylaw amendments at the December Congregational meeting.
One note: We did delete language about no staff member being able to serve, and how to deal with a vacancy, because that is already covered by “best practices” of the UUA. To review the UUA’s best practices language, you can review those at:,and the Board will also post that on our bulletin board at church. We will have copies on a table in the welcome room, as well.
Saphronia Young,
Board President
Faithfully Yours in Service
Article VIII: Minister
Section 6 Ministerial Search Team: Upon notification of an immediate or future vacancy of the Ministerial office, the Board shall call a special Congregational Business Meeting for the purpose of electing a Ministerial Search Team. The Board shall follow best practice as established by the UUA and present a slate of candidates to the congregation. A simple majority of those present shall elect the slate.
Article VIII: Minister
Section 6 Ministerial Search Team: Upon notification of an immediate or future vacancy of the Ministerial office, the Board shall call a special Congregational Business Meeting for the purpose of electing a Ministerial Search Team. The Board shall present a slate of five (5) candidates to the congregation. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Paid staff and contractual employees may not serve on a Ministerial Search Team. If there are more than 5 nominees, voting procedures will allow each Member to vote for 5, and the top five will form the Ministerial Search Team. Should a vacancy occur on the Ministerial Search Team before its task is complete, the Board will appoint a Member to fill the vacancy.