Archives: Services

Earth, Religion, and the Human Future

David Korten, Guest Live multiplatform worship in the sanctuary and over zoom! Throughout the month of April we are exploring the theme of resistance. According to the oxford languages dictionary, resistance is “the refusal to accept or comply; the attempt to prevent something by action.” As Unitarian Universalists, what are we called to resist? What is … Continue reading Earth, Religion, and the Human Future

Joyful Resistance!

Rev. Kristen Kuriga Live multiplatform worship in the sanctuary and over zoom! Throughout the month of April we are exploring the theme of resistance. According to the oxford languages dictionary, resistance is “the refusal to accept or comply; the attempt to prevent something by action.” As Unitarian Universalists, what are we called to resist? What is … Continue reading Joyful Resistance!

Resurrection: An Act of Resistance

Rev. Kristen Kuriga Live multiplatform worship in the sanctuary and over zoom! Throughout the month of April we are exploring the theme of resistance. According to the oxford languages dictionary, resistance is “the refusal to accept or comply; the attempt to prevent something by action.” As Unitarian Universalists, what are we called to resist? What is … Continue reading Resurrection: An Act of Resistance

Our Mission Lives!

Rev. Kristen Kuriga, Janeane Weprin, Anjali Lopez, and Colette DeMonte Live multiplatform worship in the sanctuary and over zoom! Join us as we reflect on what it means to practice love, foster connection, nurture spiritual growth, and act for justice! In-person WorshipJoin us in the Saltwater sanctuary. Our doors open at 10:15 am. People of … Continue reading Our Mission Lives!

Rise & Thrive!

Rev. Kristen Kuriga, Minister Live multiplatform worship in the sanctuary and over zoom! In-person WorshipJoin us in the Saltwater sanctuary. Our doors open at 10:15 am. People of all ages are welcome. We hope to see you in person for worship one Sunday soon!You can access the full covid safety guidelines here: To join by … Continue reading Rise & Thrive!

Risking Vulnerability

Rev. Kristen Kuriga, Minister Live multiplatform worship in the sanctuary and over zoom! In-person WorshipJoin us in the Saltwater sanctuary. Our doors open at 10:15 am. People of all ages are welcome. We hope to see you in person for worship one Sunday soon!You can access the full covid safety guidelines here: To join by … Continue reading Risking Vulnerability

A Vulnerable Faith

Victoria Poling, Guest Minister Live multiplatform worship in the sanctuary and over zoom! Jamie Arpin-Ricci reflects, “Vulnerability will thrive only where love abounds—a love that is generous, gracious, patient, compassionate, humble, curious, joyful, and full of hope…Love is …at the heart of a vulnerable faith.” Today we’ll reflect on the vulnerability of allowing faith and … Continue reading A Vulnerable Faith

Witnessing Transformation

Rev. April Frazier, Guest Minister Live multiplatform worship in the sanctuary and over zoom! The focus of this sermon is about how to respond when we are with another person who has taken the step to be authentic and speak from within.  How do we hold this sacred space?  How can we be conduits for … Continue reading Witnessing Transformation

Love at the Center

Rev. Kristen Kuriga, Minister Live multiplatform worship in the sanctuary and over zoom! Throughout the month of February we are exploring the theme of love. In our mission statement, we declare, “At Saltwater Church We Practice Love.” In the streets, we are known as the love people in the yellow shirts. And in the new … Continue reading Love at the Center