Archives: Services

Discovering Resilience

Janeane Weprin, Lay Leader Throughout the month of February we are exploring the theme of resilience. This month we honor that life can be difficult: we encounter challenges, suffer loss, experience trauma, and witness to the pain of others. At times, these experiences break us, and at other times, break open our hearts. Resilience is … Continue reading Discovering Resilience

Cultivating Resilience

Rev. Kristen Kuriga Throughout the month of February we are exploring the theme of resilience. This month we honor that life can be difficult: we encounter challenges, suffer loss, experience trauma, and witness to the pain of others. At times, these experiences break us, and at other times, break open our hearts. Resilience is about … Continue reading Cultivating Resilience

Embracing our Whole Selves

Rev. Kristen Kuriga Throughout the month of January we are exploring the theme of integrity; the capacity to know ourselves in all of our wholeness and complexity, and to live with authenticity. Who loved you into being?  What life lessons guide you? What are our most important values as people of faith? How do we … Continue reading Embracing our Whole Selves

Dance on a Brink

Rev. Amanda Aikman, Guest Minister “You are closer to glory leaping an abyss/than upholstering a rut,” said poet James Broughton. What are the perils and rewards of risk-taking, and what can spur us to take more meaningful risks as we start this new year? In the month of January we are exploring: What does it … Continue reading Dance on a Brink

Endings & Beginnings

Carol Mohler, Lay Leader In the month of December we’re exploring the theme of awe: that sometimes indescribable feeling of wonder or transcendence that can remind us we’re part of something larger than ourselves. When have you experienced awe? Under a star-filled sky? At the birth of a child? Listening to music? While connecting deeply … Continue reading Endings & Beginnings

Hope is Born: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Rev. Kristen Kuriga Join us to celebrate Christmas Eve through story, carols, reflection, special music by our choir and soloists, and the lighting of candles.  If you would like to connect with others after the service, you are invited to bring cookies to share in the welcoming room.  

The Blessing of Creation: A Multigenerational Celebration of Birth

Rev. Kristen Kuriga and Melinda Einander, Director of Family Ministries In the month of December we’re exploring the theme of awe: that sometimes indescribable feeling of wonder or transcendence that can remind us we’re part of something larger than ourselves. When have you experienced awe? Under a star-filled sky? At the birth of a child? … Continue reading The Blessing of Creation: A Multigenerational Celebration of Birth

The Lights of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love

Our Annual Music Service, led by Thomas Burt, Music DirectorFeaturing the Saltwater Choir December’s Music Service features the choral works of Mark Miller, along with a wealth of favorite Christmas carols. Though the choir songs are not traditional Christmas music, they embody the principals of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Mark Miller believes that everyone … Continue reading The Lights of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love