Archives: Services

Numinous Experiences

Rev. Kristen Kuriga In the month of December we’re exploring the theme of awe: that sometimes indescribable feeling of wonder or transcendence that can remind us we’re part of something larger than ourselves. When have you experienced awe? Under a star-filled sky? At the birth of a child? Listening to music? While connecting deeply with … Continue reading Numinous Experiences

Shared Language of Joy

Dr. Isabel Call, Guest Minister The builders of the Tower of Babel sought to make something magnificent, but they were interrupted by Something Bigger, which shocked them so profoundly they could no longer speak to each other. Like them, we are often interrupted by the sudden awareness of a truth so large it can’t be … Continue reading Shared Language of Joy

We Are Grateful

Rev. Kristen Kuriga In the month of November we are exploring the theme of attention. What do we pay attention to? What needs our attention? How do we engage in the spiritual practice of paying attention? How do we attend to our grief? Soul Matters describes being a people of attention as the practice of … Continue reading We Are Grateful

Broken Buddhas

Rev. Kristen Kuriga In the month of November we are exploring the theme of attention. What do we pay attention to? What needs our attention? How do we engage in the spiritual practice of paying attention? How do we attend to our grief? Soul Matters describes being a people of attention as the practice of … Continue reading Broken Buddhas

Attending to our Highest Needs

Matt Aspin, Guest Minister In the month of November we are exploring the theme of attention. What do we pay attention to? What needs our attention? How do we engage in the spiritual practice of paying attention? How do we attend to our grief? Soul Matters describes being a people of attention as the practice … Continue reading Attending to our Highest Needs

The Dead Are Not Under the Earth: A Multigenerational Service of Remembrance

Rev. Kristen Kuriga and Melinda Einander, Director of Family Ministries We come together to honor our beloved dead through story, song, ritual, reflection, and celebration! During this service of remembrance, you are invited to bring a picture or memento of your beloveds for our communal altar. We will worship together across the generations, offering our … Continue reading The Dead Are Not Under the Earth: A Multigenerational Service of Remembrance

The Spirituality of Fantasy

Quinn Rose, Lay Leader In the month of October we’ll explore the theme of belonging. What do we yearn for? What does home feel like? How do we live in right relationship with one another? Who belongs in this community? In this faith? Soul matters describes being a people of belonging as the practice of … Continue reading The Spirituality of Fantasy

Coming Home

Rev. Kristen Kuriga In the month of October we’ll explore the theme of belonging. What do we yearn for? What does home feel like? How do we live in right relationship with one another? Who belongs in this community? In this faith? Soul matters describes being a people of belonging as the practice of finding … Continue reading Coming Home