Archives: Services

Curiosity: Doorway to Compassion

Rev. Kristen Kuriga When we are challenged by a person, idea, or situation, how do we engage our curiosity? What is the connection between being curious and compassionate? Let us learn together about how to be more compassionate people through developing our capacity to be curious. “Once we lose the desire to understand—to be surprised, … Continue reading Curiosity: Doorway to Compassion

Sowing Beauty

Rev. Kristen Kuriga & Melinda Einander Let us offer a gift of beauty to one another. Join us for our annual flower communion service. Please bring a flower or flowering branch as a representation of the unique gifts you bring to this community and receive a gift of beauty in return. The service will also … Continue reading Sowing Beauty

Holy Curiosity

Our understanding of the world and ourselves often changes when we are willing to engage our certainties with holy curiosity.  Join Rev. Deanna Vandiver, Church of the Larger Fellowship Community Minister for Love and Liberation, for an experiential worship service embracing the ever emergent nature of our Unitarian Universalist faith. Rev. Deanna Vandiver

Truth Keeps Revealing Itself

Unitarian Universalism is a living tradition. This means that truth keeps revealing itself. How do we stay open to insight? What does it look like to commit to lifelong learning? And how might it change us? Rev. Kristen Kuriga

Everything is Holy Now

On this Easter morning we come together to celebrate miracles, wholeness, and a sense of possibility. What is the lasting impact of the Easter story for Unitarian Universalists? If everything is holy now, how do we live our lives? Rev. Kristen Kuriga

Our Earth, Our Home

A multigenerational worship service that celebrates gratitude for the earth, experiences of awe in nature, and what our relationship with the interconnected web of life asks of us. Join us for a morning of song, ritual, storytelling, reflection, and exploration of the commitments we can make to work for environmental justice. Rev. Kristen Kuriga & … Continue reading Our Earth, Our Home

Risking Transformation

There is a loneliness that comes from hiding our true selves and keeping silent about what we need. By risking speaking our truth with persons we can trust, there is the possibility of connection, which can break down the barriers of isolation, leaving room for the freedom and beauty of transformation. This is a vision … Continue reading Risking Transformation

Celebrating New Beginnings

At Saltwater UU, we are entering a time of new beginnings. Join us to look towards the work of our community in the coming year. At the start of our annual pledge drive, let us celebrate the ways this community touches our lives and works for a more loving, just and sustainable world. How are … Continue reading Celebrating New Beginnings

Possibility of Partnership

When we forge meaningful relationships we are often changed by the encounter. What does it take to be in partnership? What can we learn? Join us for a morning of reflection on partnership between organizations and faith communities. We will be joined by Maryse Brock of Haitian Christians United who will share the story of … Continue reading Possibility of Partnership

Take a Small Step

The journey through life is built with steps and many of those steps are small ones. Each day brings its share of challenges. Some are old, some are new, but the only way to address these challenges is to take a step designed to lead in the direction we intend. Even the most subtle step, … Continue reading Take a Small Step