Archives: Services

The Importance of Thinking

“The manifestation of the wind of thought is not knowledge, but the ability to tell right from wrong, beautiful from ugly and I hope that thinking gives people the strength to prevent catastrophes in those rare moments when the chips are down.” From the film, Hannah Arendt (2012). —Rev. Barbara Cornell, Guest Minister

Being UU in These Times

Susan Fredrick Gray, President of our UUA, has called this no time for “a casual faith.” What might being “a serious UU” mean for each of us as we determine how we might participate more fully right here, within this congregation, and advocate and work and, perhaps, agitate to help make a better world out … Continue reading Being UU in These Times


This week our Jewish neighbors and friend will celebrate Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. On this day, which the Holiest day in the year and called the Sabbath of Sabbath people acknowledge the wrongs they may have done during the year and ask for forgiveness.  Might we, as Unitarians Universalist gain some peace and … Continue reading Atonement

Gathering of the Waters

Please join us for the annual homecoming service. Here at Saltwater and in many Unitarian Universalist congregations across the continent we celebrate the fall season and a new church year with the mingling of waters that individuals have brought to a common bowl.  Each member is invited to bring a small container of water collected … Continue reading Gathering of the Waters

What Music Means to Me

“Music is an Angel Singing out from the skies Music is love Music is the food of all moods Music is perfect and it is good for you” (Sylvia Chidi – 2006)   Members of Saltwater’s congregation.

Rocks I Have Known and Loved

–Reverend Dennis Reynolds  “Nature offers us many lessons and countless stories.  Sometimes the birds and the animals and all that dwell in the forests can offer wisdom and teach us. Sometimes the very stones may have lessons to teach. Come and listen.  They too, might have stories to share.”