Archives: Services

Celebrating a UU Easter

Coming to church on Easter is complicated for our Unitarian Universalist tradition. For some of us this is a Sunday just like any other, for some it’s proof positive that Spring is here and for some attendance is sparked by our curiosity. How will we UUs in our desire to embrace diverse theological perspectives participate … Continue reading Celebrating a UU Easter

Lions to Lambs

March, often chilly and stormy at the beginning, previews sunshine, natural growth, and gentler breezes of spring. Life can be like that some times. Our grass stops growing, our trees have yet to bud, and we may feel down, even depressed, with the short days and long nights. Sleep may elude us and losses may … Continue reading Lions to Lambs

Yada, Yada, Yada

Every year we’re asked to pledge to the financial health of the congregation and some folks get a little antsy, maybe a little nervous. According to philosopher Jacob Needleman, “Money is the most important thing in our lives. It costs us our time, health, prestige, and power. Yet, it is the last thing we want … Continue reading Yada, Yada, Yada

We Who Believe in Freedom

In the early morning hours of Monday, March 8, 1965, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. sent a telegram urging clergy of all faiths across the country to join a ministers’ march from Selma to Montgomery. The events surrounding that march had a profound effect on the civil rights history of this country and is … Continue reading We Who Believe in Freedom

Love Makes a Family

The family is one of the important institutions in American life. It is influenced by a long list of traits and characteristics, comes in a variety of shapes and sizes and is the institution primarily responsible for teaching us who we are. Regardless of kinship, healthy families have at least one thing in common. They … Continue reading Love Makes a Family

For Better, For Worse

On this Sunday before Valentine’s day, join us for a look at the institution of marriage in readings, reflections and music.

Wired for Love

Have you ever known someone who seemed pre-offended, always ready to assume the worst? Or someone who seems perpetually open-hearted, generous, even loving? And how are you wired? In recent years, neuroscience has confirmed that our habitual patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving create neural pathways that wire us for more of the same. Fortunately … Continue reading Wired for Love

Faith Without Certainty

As Unitarian Universalists we often think of ourselves as liberal religious folks. In this church, you’ve aspired to be a liberal religious presence in South King County. So what does that mean – a liberal religious presence?