Show off your Jedi Powers!!!!
Saturday May 4 at Saltwater UU Church
10am – 3pm
Join SCAN! and our Facilities Team for some much needed spring cleaning of our church grounds. Dust off those coveralls, grab your favorite pair of gloves, and come help us beat back the dark side. We’ll be removing weeds, picking up trash, and trimming up the overgrowth from the winter. Help out for as little or long as you like. No skill required!
Pizza will be provided and you are encouraged to bring your own drinks or snacks to share. Saltwater has tools to lend out if you’d like to use some of ours. This is the first of our seasonal work parties. All are welcome! Have fun with your fellow Salties while improving our Saltwater Home.
There’s plenty to do and no such thing as being “late to the party” so come when you can. We’re grateful for the help and support you all provide in helping maintain our beautiful church campus and look forward to seeing you there.
The Office Building will be open to use restrooms, otherwise we will remain outdoors. Hope to see you there.