Community Groups & Activities
Many of our communities’ group meet monthly,
while others meet more frequently.
Check this week’s newsletter to see the current schedule of activities and how to get involved in:

Game Night
Creative Hands
Genealogy Club
Meditation Group
Paint N Sip Night
Writers’ Groups
Speculative Fiction Book Club
and more!
Are you active in our community and want an easier way to connect with others?
Request access to our online community using Realm Connect, our new membership program. This is a very useful tool for communication and connection within our community on a secure, online platform. The more of our members that log on to the application and engage, the more robust your experience will be. As we develop the new system, there will be multiple phases with the roll out Realm Connect. Our Board President, Diane Schairer and Bubba have provided a few highlights of what Realm Connect makes possible. CLICK HERE to discover all the exciting things Realm Connect has to offer.