Date(s) - Jun/13/2021
11:45 am - 1:00 pm
Categories No Categories
Greetings from your Board members and minister. We would like to invite you to gather on the church zoom site for our very important annual Congregational Meeting. It will take place shortly after the worship service (a stupendous music service) on Sunday, June 13.
The meeting agenda is as follows:
Convene, Ingathering—11:45
Approval of June 2020 meeting minutes
Report from the Board
¨ Covenant of Right Relations
¨ Election of Nominating Committee members
¨ Election of Board members
Budget Report
Operations Team Reports
To download and review the meeting materials (click here) ahead of time, follow this link:
As voting members of the community, you are encouraged to review these documents. We value your involvement in our election process and look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
The meeting will be both informative and productive. This (and the need for a quorum in order to do business) should inspire you to make the meeting an important part of your afternoon.
If you have any questions, please contact any team member or our Office Administrator.