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Date(s) - Feb/02/2022
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Celebrate Spring with Imbolc
February 2, 7:00pm
Galen Guffy’s Zoom Room
Saltwater Unitarian Universalist CUUPS Group would like to invite you to attend our virtual Imbolc Ritual. Join us in “Galen Guffy’s Zoom Room” by using the link above or copy and paste this URL:
Imbolc is a Sabbat that honors Brigid the Celtic Goddess of Spring, Dawn, Fertility, and new beginnings. This will be a ritual of purification after the shut-in life of winter, through the renewing power of the Sun. It’s a feast of flames as we come out of the long rest of winter. A wonderful time for initiations and dedications as well as blessings of tools for your craft and candles for use during the coming year. Please have near by any tools for blessing as well as any candles you would like to bless (LED is fine too!). “Tools” may include items for ritual, garden or any other tools for creative work including pens, brushes, stethoscope, and any other item(s) you use for your daily work and craft . We hope to see you there. Many Blessings.