Archives: Services

Blessing of the Animals

Rev. Kristen Kuriga This Sunday, join us to celebrate the blessing of the animals. This is an opportunity to honor the connection we have with our beloved pets, and to express our gratitude and well wishes for the friendship and care they bring to our lives. There will also be a time to honor and … Continue reading Blessing of the Animals

UU Spiritual Practice

Rev. Kristen Kuriga Spiritual practice teaches us to slow down, to listen deeply, and to open ourselves to the wisdom inside of us and to the wisdom that is larger than us. Spiritual practice can renew us when we’re weary, create space to integrate the experiences of our lives, and strengthen our capacity to not … Continue reading UU Spiritual Practice

The Power of We

Rev. Kristen Kuriga In June, thousands of Unitarian Universalists gathered in Spokane, WA for General Assembly. Come hear what’s happening in our larger movement, what we’re being called to, and inspiration for the future of our faith. “Together we will create brave space, because there is no such thing as a safe space…This space will not … Continue reading The Power of We


Writer’s Group Please join the Saltwater Writers Group as they explore quilting from multiple perspectives. From time to time we may be called upon to quilt our families, our lives, our ideas, our spirituality, sometimes even our souls. May our sorrows be patched, our joys quilted, and our lives pieced together by love.

Beauty of Imperfection

Rev. Kristen Kuriga Have you ever struggled with perfectionism? With not living up to your own expectations? Join us to explore the spirituality of not only accepting our imperfections, but seeing them as beautiful. May we all be creative works in progress. “Consider that our lives are always unfinished business; Imagine that the picture of … Continue reading Beauty of Imperfection

Worship Through Music

Join us a for a morning of music, singing and reflection on the principles of Unitarian Universalism. The service features the voices and ministry of our Saltwater Choir.

What makes me beautiful?

The Annual YoUUth Service and Bridging Ritual Where do we stand in our own way? What would it take to start the next journey? Through thoughts, poem and song, we will consider self confidence, self love and self care. Together let us explore what makes each of us beautiful.

Sacred Play

Rev. Kristen Kuriga Do you have enough play in your life? Join us for a morning of play and laughter. Learn about how play can be a spiritual practice, help heal trauma, foster resilience, and promote healing. Bring your willingness to try new things and to connect with joy.