Planting Seeds (in person), Penning Words (on Zoom)

In Person: Planting Seeds of Possibility with Community Minister Rev. Jennifer Alviar What can gardens teach us about caring for the Earth and caring for our souls through nature-based spiritual practices? Join us for an inspiring, community-building, seed-planting ritual service guided by these poetic words: “You are the gardener of your life, tend to what you wish to grow, bloom and fruit. Water it with your time, feed it with your love and warm it with your heart.” ~ Brigit Anna McNeill This is an intergenerational service so all ages are welcome.

Online: Yes! You Can Write! Join the Writers Group in a fun writing exercise. You will have the chance to write and to share your writing (only if you want to!) in a safe and friendly way. No experience required! This Worshipful Workshop will include inspirational readings and music to put us in a creative mood.

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