“Releasing the Year, Envisioning What’s Next” with Rev. Linda Hart
Online worship through zoom
On Sunday, December 27th we will be virtually visiting Tahoma UU Congregation and joining them for their Sunday morning service on zoom. You can connect to the service through this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82318384686?pwd=MjVXY2dIUGlDRGRubUJicE5KdWhlUT09
Webinar ID: 823 1838 4686
Password: 253
You can also listen on your phone by dialing 253-215-8782 with Webinar ID: 823 1838 4686 and Password 253 to hear the worship service.
Their space opens at 10:15 am to say hello and share joys and sorrows by chat, and service begins at 10:30 am. Enjoy!