Speaker: Rev. Emily Melcher

Rev. Emily Melcher is a Unitarian Universalist Accredited Interim Minister. She has served congregations in Vermont, Connecticut, and Washington. She currently lives in Olympia, WA, where she is enjoying a break from interim ministry while working on her Doctorate of Ministry in Spiritual Renewal, Contemplative Practice, and Strategic Leadership at Claremont School of Theology. A singer and songwriter, Emily has 4 CDs, which she is delighted to give away free of charge after today’s service.

Wired for Love

Have you ever known someone who seemed pre-offended, always ready to assume the worst? Or someone who seems perpetually open-hearted, generous, even loving? And how are you wired? In recent years, neuroscience has confirmed that our habitual patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving create neural pathways that wire us for more of the same. Fortunately … Continue reading Wired for Love