Digital Ushers and A/V Team Volunteers Needed

Digital Ushers
The Worship Operations team needs some Volunteer Digital Ushers to assist with our Worship Services on Sunday mornings.  This is a relatively easy volunteer role that supports Reverend Kristen and our A/V Tech Volunteers during Sunday Worship by performing the following:

  • letting folx into the Zoom Room from the waiting room
  • monitoring our participants’ screens and chats in the Chat Box for potential Zoom bombing
  •  answering questions in the Chat Box
  • sharing an occasional slide, and
  • setting up break out rooms for folx to go chat after Service

The monthly time commitment is typically minimal, if you volunteer in this role once a month, you’d be looking at 2.5 – 3.5 hours tops:

  •  An hour of rehearsal before service (occasionally there is also a rehearsal on Saturday if the planned Service is particularly complex)
  • An hour during service 
  • A half hour after service to help folx into break out rooms.

Our Director of Family Ministries, Melinda Einander, will provide you with her excellent training that will more than prepare you for the role.  As a volunteer Digital Usher myself, I can tell you that this is one of the most fun volunteer positions at Saltwater!  I love it!  But we need some more friends to join me, so please consider this great opportunity. Contact SUUC Worship Operations Lead, Galen Guffy if you are interested.

Saltwater A/V Team Volunteers
Come join our Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Tech Team. The mission of the Sunday Tech Team is to deliver seamless technical transitions to enhance worship. If you possess computer and technology skills and desire to help prepare services by way of rehearsals, warm-up, test runs, and practice, we invite you to thoughtfully consider applying to join the exceptional volunteers at Saltwater Church.

A/V Team volunteers must be available one Sunday per month for two hours (for Prep & Service) and available the Saturday before for an hour rehearsal.  Currently, our services are conducted remotely due to COVID-19.  A/V Tech Training (including Zoom) will be provided. If you are interested in learning more about this important and exciting volunteer opportunity, please contact our A/V Tech Lead, Bert Snipes, or SUUC Worship Operations Lead, Galen Guffy.