Pastoral Update

Dear Saltwater Community,

I hope that you and your family are well. 

I am writing to let you know that several of our staff members and their families  are currently home sick with Covid. Oleg Dusaev and his husband Dmitriy are at home healing. And my family, Rev. Kristen, my husband Joshua, and our son Lucas are also currently sick with Covid. We are all being well cared for and appreciate your wishes and support. 

Thankfully, since we made the decision to move back to all virtual programming, there have not been any exposures at the church. 

Since my family and Oleg’s family will be focusing on recovering, there will be some changes to worship this coming Sunday, January 16. We will continue to offer a service at our regular time in the Saltwater Church zoom room, but I will not be preaching. Please join Melinda Einander, Director of Family Ministries, and Mayda Taney, Board President, who will be leading worship.

Thank you also for your understanding about email messages and meetings. I have been out of the office on sick leave since Sunday evening, January 9th. I will continue to be on sick leave through at least this coming Tuesday, January 18th or until my family has fully recovered. When I return to the office I will work on rescheduling meetings and responding to email messages. 

Please take care of yourselves and one another.


Rev. Kristen Kuriga