Saltwater Church Newsletter April 2, 2021


To join the church zoom room go to: Each Sunday we offer online worship through zoom at 10:30 am. For any of our worship services or meetings, you can join by computer or by calling in on your telephone. You can find more information about how to connect through zoom towards the end of the newsletter.

April: What Does It Mean to be a People of Becoming?
In the month of April we are exploring what it means to be a people of becoming. A people who know where we have been and are open to the journey ahead of growth and transformation. Soul Matters describes the practice of becoming as discovering what inside of us longs to be born, and of no longer hiding. Come practice and learn with us as we deepen our faith!

April 4: “Celebrating Transformation,” Rev. Kristen Kuriga
April 11: “We Nurture Spiritual Growth,” Rev. Kristen Kuriga
April 18: “Becoming Authentic,” Janeane Weprin, Lay Leader
April 25: “No Arriving, Just Becoming,” Rev. Kristen Kuriga

Upcoming Events

Creative Hands – NEW Day & Time
1st and 3rd Wednesdays, beginning April 7, 5pm – 6:30pm
The first meeting of Creative Hands at their new time begins this Wednesday in the Church Zoom Room.  If you have any questions please contact Lynn Crow at 206 429 2005. 

Save the Date:
Welcoming Rev. Dr. James Kubal-Komoto
Rev. Dr. James Kubal-Komoto will be visiting Saltwater UU Church to lead worship over zoom with Rev. Kristen Kuriga on Sunday, May 2. Rev. James served as the Minister of Saltwater Church from 2000-2016. Please join us in welcoming Rev. James back into relationship with the congregation after almost five years!

Flower Communion is Coming!
On Sunday, May 9, we will celebrate our annual flower communion ritual during worship. Please send us a picture of you with a flower for a slide show we will share in worship.
They can be emailed to with “flower communion” in the subject line. The deadline is Monday, May 3. This year’s flower communion service will also feature poems about flowers. If you have a favorite poem, please email it to Rev. Kristen at the same address.

Living into Mission Workshop
We Act for Justice: Wednesday, May 12, 7-8:30 pm

News from our Community

From Our Healthy Congregation Team
Covenant of Right Relations Updates:  Dear members and friends, please take time to review the very newest version of the proposed  “Proposed Covenant Right of Relations”, brought to you by your Healthy Congregations Team (Debra Valpey, Bev Ross, and Quinn Rose), They have worked for the past two years to bring your this guiding document. You may contact any of the team members if you have questions or concerns; their contact information is in the directory or you may contact our administrator if you do not have access to a directory. This Covenant will be voted on by the congregations at our June Congregational Meeting, and, if adopted, will guide our interactions for a long time, so please give it your sincere attention. 

From Our Pledge Team
The 2021 Pledge Drive season is upon us: Are you struggling with questions about making a pledge to our community this year? Your Pledge Team is happy to help answer any questions.  Please read our response to this week’s commonly asked question.  Remember, if you return your pledge card either by mail or electronically, we will send you a link to Oleg’s Gratitude Concert for your enjoyment in the months to come.   

From Our Nominations Committee
Volunteer Opportunity: Each year we are responsible for finding volunteers for two positions on the Church Board and two positions for the “NomCom” itself. Each year, the Board rotates for two new board members with a 3 year term, as their predecessors’ terms expire. This is also true for the “NomCom,” two new members are chosen as two members’ 2 year terms expire. If any of you reading this and is interested in volunteering for any of these positions, please let Nelson Schmitz know, and if you have questions thereof, they are also welcome. Nelson can be reached at or 425-444-7494.  Thank you.

Ways to Live Our Values

Share the Plate for April: Living Well Kent
Half of all undesignated donations received in the month of April will be shared with Living Well Kent: You can make a donation to share the plate through the donate button on our website: or mail a check to the church office with “basket” in the memo line: Saltwater UU Church, 25701 14 Pl S., Des Moines, WA 98198. 

Saltwater Climate Action Now! (SCAN!)
Monthly on the 1st Sunday, 12pm – 1:30pm
There will not be a monthly meeting this Sunday because it’s Easter. We’ll resume again the first Sunday in May. But, SCAN! members will be working individually throughout April to help get climate-friendly legislation enacted into law in Olympia. And, you dear congregants, may be asked from time to time to help us make that happen. The more voices that are heard in Olympia the more chances we have of doing something positive for our planet. Thanks for all that you do and will do!

Stance for Racial Justice
Monthly on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, 2pm – 3pm
Rain or shine, show up for racial justice every other Sunday in March! Please wear a mask and practice social distancing. We will gather in Des Moines on 3/14 from 2pm until 3pm at the intersection of 272nd St. and Pacific Hwy S (near Jack- in- the Box and Arco gas).  On 3/28 we will gather in Puyallup from 2pm until 3pm at the intersection of 136th and S. Meridian (near post office and Sonic restaurant).  Contact Colette DeMonte at for more info.

Racial Justice Organizing Team (RJOT)
Monthly on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Join Saltwater’s RJOT meeting to discover more ways to support our community in our anti-racism efforts. Share ideas, provide support, learn about additional opportunities, and work together to advance our commitment to racial justice. Meetings are being held in Rev. Kristen’s Zoom Room:

Sound Alliance
Monthly on the 4th Saturday, 10am – 11:30am 
The Sound Alliance team works on multiple issues.  The issues we focus on change from year to year, depending upon the concerns voiced by members of the congregation.  Currently we are working to address and prevent homelessness, protect immigrant rights, and ease social isolation during the pandemic through the Social Connection Project.  All members and friends of Saltwater UU Church and Bet Chaverim are most welcome to join us and act for Justice!  Meetings are held in the Main Zoom Room:

Climate Message of the Week:   How many “food miles” are on your plate? Several studies have shown that on average, the food in an American meal travels 1,500 miles to market. Eating food produced locally cuts carbon emissions at the same time it keeps area farmland from being developed for non-agricultural uses. Local food production also supports biodiversity. Here in King County, we have 14,200 acres of preserved farmland and the third largest number of farms per county in Washington State. You can find a Local Food Finder map and information at For tips on how to eat local and on the Local 10 foods that are available in Washington year-round go to

Supporting Our Saltwater Community

Gear Lending Library Thank you and Outdoor Preschool Update
Thank you for your generous donations to help create the gear lending library for the newly forming Little Explorers Outdoor Preschool. Together, we raised over $3,000 to purchase gear to increase access to the preschool. Melinda, our Director of Family Ministries, was also able to arrange an in-kind donation of $2,000 worth of gear. These donations will make a real difference! Although the outdoor preschool hoped to open this winter, the opening has been delayed. The program is currently working with the state and we hope will be licensed soon! We will keep you updated. And again, thank you for your support and care.

Donations to Saltwater Church
When making a donation on the church website, please indicate where you want your donation to go.  After entering the amount of your donation, if you select “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card” you will see a line which starts with a pencil and has “add special instructions to the seller.”  Please click on those words to specify “pledge” or your desired purpose.  It will help our treasurer get money into the right places if that line is filled in.  If you would like a statement of your donations for calendar year 2020 for tax purposes to email or call our treasurer Gaye Greeves at or 253-508-3961.   

Handmade Cards Fundraiser
Send beautiful cards to foster connection, while supporting our beloved community! Your purchases from will continue to support Saltwater year round, with $5 from every item sold going to the church. 

Ways to Connect

Pair Sharing (Rev. Kristen’s Zoom Room
2nd and 4th Sundays, 11:45-1:00 pm.  The next session will be April 11, 2021.
There is healing power in telling truth and bearing witness. Pair Sharing is the spiritual practice of deep sharing and listening. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Janeane Weprin at  

Al-Anon Support Group (private zoom, contact for link)
Mondays, 6:30-7:30 pm

Creative Hands (church zoom room)
New Time, Maybe a New Name!!!
1st and 3rd Wednesdays, beginning April 7, 5pm – 6:30pm
Creative Hands has a new meeting time! We hope this will make it possible for more folks to join us after work and for more of us to enjoy the sunshine during the longer days. Please plan to join us to learn or practice hand work (knitting and crocheting, sewing, drawing, jewelry making or?) along with fun conversation and a supportive atmosphere. Pour yourself a favorite beverage, grab a snack, and join us? Questions? Contact Lynn Crow at 206 429 2005. 

Meditation Group (church zoom room)
Tuesdays, 7-8:15 pm
We follow a UU modified Zen practice that includes lighting a candle, chiming a singing bowl, sitting and walking in silence, listening to words of wisdom, sharing tea and conversation, now all virtual via Zoom. Contact Jean Spohn if you have questions. or 206-200-7524

Writers Group (church zoom room)
Wednesdays, 9:30 am- 12pm

Weekend Writers Group (church zoom room)
Alternating Sundays, 6pm – 8pm
The next meeting is April 11.

Support Circle (church zoom room)
Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 pm

Over Eaters Anonymous (church zoom room)
Fridays, 5-6 pm

Support Is Available
Do you need support? Please let us know, we want to help. Are you feeling lonely or isolated? We can connect you with a lay minister or another member of the congregation. Are you in a higher risk group and do not want to venture out to the grocery store? We may be able to connect you with someone in your neighborhood to help you get the supplies you need. If you have lost income from being sick or unable to work, or do not have enough money to buy extra food and supplies, the Minister’s Discretionary Fund is available for one-time emergency support for members and friends of the church. Contact Rev. Kristen: Do you need to go to work but don’t have childcare? Are there other needs that your family has? Please be in touch with Melinda at

If you are in need of emotional or spiritual support, you can reach out directly to a Lay Minister:
Debra Valpey:
Mike Yanega:
Lynn Crow:
Toska Rodriguez:

Support for Children, Youth, and Families

Family Ministries Zoom Room

Religious Education Class for Kids and their Grown-Ups 
(Note the class address.)
Sunday mornings at 9:30 am

Junior and Senior High Youth Group 
(Note the class address.)
Sundays at 12 pm,

Jr./Sr. High Youth Group Game Night (Joint with Northlake UU)
3rd Friday of each month, 7-9 pm. 
We will be using an online game platform as one of the options for games ( – free account is plenty), so if possible, please let Margaret know if you plan to attend so we can get set up ahead of time. We hope to see you there! 
Meeting ID: 309 145 529 
Password: NUUC
If you are interested in having your youth (and/or yourself) receive reminder texts directly for game night and Sunday youth group, you can sign up for them by clicking this link and entering the information: 
Contact Margaret Rogers for more information:

Family Support Circles
First & Third Mondays, 7:30-8:30 pm
Family ministries zoom room

Parents Facebook Group 
You can also connect with other Saltwater Church families with children and youth for support through the Parents Facebook group:    

The Saltwater Church Family Ministries Library Wants to Visit Your Home!
Have your children run out of books to read, with school and public libraries closed? The Saltwater Family Ministries library has books to share! Contact to borrow books.    

General Information

How to Access the Church Zoom Room 
To access Zoom, go to
and click on “To join a meeting-click here.” Or from the main church webpage, select Zoom Room from the drop down menu under “news and events” on the top menu bar. If this is your first time using Zoom, follow the prompts to download the application to your computer.

If you would prefer to join by phone, dial 1-669-900-6833 and enter Meeting ID: 736 142 4210 when prompted. You may need a password. If you do not have the password, please contact Melinda:  

If you have a smartphone, you can download the Zoom app and join with Meeting ID: 736 142 4210 for video and audio connection. You will need a password. If you do not have the password, please contact

Saltwater Church Building
The church building is closed to all in-person programming, groups, and meetings.  Staff are working from home.  Staff members will be going by the property to collect the mail and to check on the campus.  Planting Flowers has resumed providing essential childcare support to families. Hatian Christians have resumed in-person gatherings with a limited capacity on Sunday evenings.

Please Note:  Additions to the newsletter must be received by noon Wednesday to be included in that week’s newsletter.  Send your submissions to or use the website form at