About Stewardship

Stewardship is best described as the willingness of church members to take active responsibility in the service of the church through a voluntary contribution of time, money, and natural gifts.
Being a steward means taking care of property that is not our own. It is a spiritual calling, an opportunity to live our values and help others to do the same. We have been entrusted with a rich legacy bequeathed to us from those who went before us. Our members provide careful and responsible management of the land we gather on, of our buildings, and an Endowment Fund. The success of our annual pledge drive and commitment of our Finance Team is how Saltwater continues to thrive.
We have benefited from the generosity of past members during their lives and through bequeathment . Our current members provide stewardship by living our UU values and joining volunteer & service teams for the community. They also express their values and commitment through pledging generously. In turn, we hope to leave a solvent and thriving church to those who will come after us.
If you are interested in including Saltwater Church in your estate planning, please CLICK HERE to learn more.