Author: Historical Archives

Email Scam Attempt

Dear Saltwater Community, You may have once again received an e-mail that looks like it is from Rev. Kristen asking for you to contact her for a favor or for gift cards for sick members of the congregation. This email is titled “Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Church: Needs You Help” and is sent from a fake … Continue reading Email Scam Attempt

Saltwater Church Newsletter May 22, 2020

Dear Saltwater Community, We hope that you and your family are well. As we continue to help slow the spread of the coronavirus through observing social distancing, we want to let you know about ways that you can stay connected through Saltwater Church. Worship Church zoom room (  Each Sunday we are offering online worship … Continue reading Saltwater Church Newsletter May 22, 2020

New Directory is Available!

A Current Directory has been added to our Website! The Members’ Page of has the most current directory of Members and Pledging Friends.  Please look for your entry and check it.  There are often changes and updates that slip past.  Do we have your correct address and contact information?  Are your children’s names correct?  … Continue reading New Directory is Available!

Saltwater Church Newsletter May 15 2020

Dear Saltwater Community, We hope that you and your family are well. As we continue to help slow the spread of the coronavirus through observing social distancing, we want to let you know about ways that you can stay connected through Saltwater Church. Worship Church zoom room (  Each Sunday we are offering online worship … Continue reading Saltwater Church Newsletter May 15 2020

Saltwater Church Newsletter May 8 2020

Dear Saltwater Community, We hope that you and your family are well. As we continue to help slow the spread of the coronavirus through observing social distancing, we want to let you know about ways that you can stay connected through Saltwater Church. Worship Church zoom room (  Each Sunday we are offering online worship … Continue reading Saltwater Church Newsletter May 8 2020