Author: Historical Archives

CALL TO ACTION: Racial, Climate, and Social Justice in Washington State

The Racial Justice Organizing Team (RJOT) and Sound Alliance Team ask you to contact your State Representatives and urge them to support upcoming legislative bills focused on lifesaving police reform measures. Three pieces are of particular interest; HB 1054- Ban Violent Police Tactics, HB 1267- Mandate Statewide Independent Police Investigations, and HB 1310- Make Deadly … Continue reading CALL TO ACTION: Racial, Climate, and Social Justice in Washington State

Pledge Materials 2021-2022

This year our church met enormous challenges head on, and our congregation found a way to connect with each other to provide support, comfort, and encouragement. Amazingly, we also continued the important work that this congregation does. Together, we persisted as a community that practices love, fosters connection, nurtures spiritual growth, and acts for justice … Continue reading Pledge Materials 2021-2022