Archives: Services

Unto Us A Child Is Born

Spiritual midwifery recognizes that each and every birth is the birth of the Christ child–Ina May Gaskin On Christmas Eve morning, Rev. Alison brings lessons from her midwifery study and practice to explore the miracle and mystery that are present at every birth.

The Very Best Time of Year

Come celebrate the season and explore the meaning of Christmas in our Unitarian Universalist faith. Hear the Saltwater Choir share the music of John Rutter and enjoy a feast of traditional Christmas carols at our December Music Service.

The Luminous Dark

As the wheel of the year turns toward the longest night, let us sink in to the luminous dark of the fertile earth, the vastness of space, and the womb of potential that holds all in darkness before it is birthed into being.

Holidays of Light

Let us celebrate together. At this time when folks around the world from many traditions are lighting candles in the darkness, we wanted to lift up a few of these traditions: Advent in the Christian tradition, Bodhi Day in the Buddhist tradition, and the weekly lighting of the Shabbat candles in the Jewish tradition. If … Continue reading Holidays of Light


In late November of 1991, HIV/AIDS activists Ibrahim Farajaje and John Paul Hammond lost a dear friend to AIDS and struggled to imagine facing Thanksgiving without him. Out of their pain and love, Thanxgrieving was born. Rev. Alison will share the history of the Thanxgrieving observance and explore its continued relevance in the 21st century.