Saltwater Church Electronic Communication Policy


  1. Public announcements and events may be submitted to the official Facebook page and the administrators of that page have full control and discretion over what is and is not posted there.  Public comments are not enabled there.
  2. See for the official church website.  Requests to post announcements there for upcoming events may be submitted to the church administrator, at:
  3.  There is a “members only” closed Facebook Group to which all members and friends may submit a request to join.  A request to join is a promise to abide by the Church social media policy.  Saltwater UU Church (SUUC) welcomes all members and friends to contribute to conversations and to share content directly related to Unitarian Universalism and about our community on that Members’ Facebook Group.
  4. The church has two email lists:  SUUC-community is for all church-related questions, answers, announcements and general church discussion.  However, it is NOT the place to post political or worldly news.  Some members have directly “opted out” of political or worldly news discussions, and the SUUC-Community list is for them.  Requests to join the SUUC Community discussion list can be made at:–community  Or, an email requesting to join the list may be sent to
  5. The second email list is reserved for world news, politics, and debates of ideas concerning non-church events.  This is the SUUC-World list-serve.  Please post announcements about political action, political issues, and world news there.  Requests to join the SUUC World discussion list can be made at: Or, an email requesting to join the list may be sent to
  6. The church Friday email comes from the church administrator.  Content for that email is edited by church staff, and must relate directly to church-sponsored events or news.  Submit those before noon on Wednesday to make the Friday deadline to:
  7. Melinda Einander also has a Lighthouse newsletter relating to children and youth.  You may request to be added to that list at:
  8. While church events or information are sometimes posted on electronic or social media, these are not the official conduits for church communication– not everyone is on Facebook, or even uses a computer.  Additionally, staff monitors but is unable to keep those pages and lists updated. If you are publicizing a church event, please remember to submit it to the church website, the weekly email, the News You Need to Know, or post it to a bulletin board onsite.


All members and friends are expected to abide by this Policy when posting on social media, to any list-serve and for all other electronic communications through the church.

1.    All communications are governed by our Covenant of Right Relations

2.    Remain in covenant, respectful, and courteous even when you disagree.

3.    Refrain from using abusive, vulgar, offensive, threatening, or harassing language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive terms that target specific individuals or groups.

4.    Do not sell things or try to promote your business, your services, etc. 

5.    Do not assume that everyone shares the same political perspectives; remember that as a 501(c)3, we can discuss issues in keeping with our spiritual values, but no partisan political postings for specific candidates are permitted. 

6.    Never post photos of others unless you have written permission.

7.    Be very careful about posting health information or other personal information about others.  Ask them first whether they feel it is private, confidential and not to be shared before posting. 

8.  Do not post on behalf of others, as this is a relational community.  Persons not in direct relationship with the group should ask to join in order to post, such that direct responses can respectfully be made, rather than triangulating.

9.    Posts or group members not in accordance with this policy may be removed from the Facebook Members’ Group, or may lose posting privileges to the SUUC-Community and/or SUUC-World list-serves.