Saltwater Church Newsletter December 4, 2020


Church zoom room go to
Each Sunday we offer online worship through zoom at 10:30 am. For any of our worship services or meetings, you can join by computer or by calling in on your telephone. You can find more information about how to connect through zoom towards the end of the newsletter.

December: What Does it mean to be a People of Stillness?
In the month of December we are exploring the theme of stillness. As the days shorten and the cold comes, we are invited to slow down, turn within, and restore ourselves. Join us during the season of advent to allow space for stillness, hope, peace, joy, and love to emerge.

December 6: “Be Still and Know,” Rev. Kristen Kuriga
December 9: Blue Christmas Vespers Service (7 pm), Rev. Kristen Kuriga & Debra Valpey
December 13: December Music Service, Thomas Burt & Rev. Kristen Kuriga
December 20: “A Rose in the Winter Time: The Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe” Rev. Kristen Kuriga & Melinda Einander
December 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (7 pm), Rev. Kristen Kuriga
December 27: Worship field trip to Tahoma UU Congregation. “Releasing the Year, Envisioning What’s Next” with Rev. Linda Hart. See full article for connection details.

Blue Christmas Vespers Service
Wednesday, December 9th at 7pm, church zoom room
Led by Rev. Kristen Kuriga and Debra Valpey, Lay Minister
Join us for a reflective service that makes space for all of our experiences this holiday season. As we continue to practice social distancing, the holidays may bring sadness, grief, or feelings of isolation. Come together to hear readings and poems, sit in the darkness, and connect with community.

Holiday Service of Music
Sunday, December 13th, 10:30 am, church zoom room
Join us to sing carols, take in beautiful instrumental holiday music, as well as poetry and stories to celebrate the season.

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
Thursday, December 24, 7 pm, church zoom room
Join us to sing carols, engage with the story of Christmas, and sit in candlelight from our homes, connecting with the hope, love, and the joy of being together in spirit at this sacred time of the year.

Worship Field Trip to Tahoma UU Congregation
On Sunday, December 27th, 2020, we will be virtually visiting Tahoma UU Congregation and joining them for their Sunday morning service on zoom. Be sure to make a note since we won’t be having service in the Saltwater Church zoom room. You can connect to the service through this link:
Webinar ID: 823 1838 4686
Password: 253
You can also listen on your phone by dialing 253-215-8782 with Webinar ID: 823 1838 4686 and Password 253 to hear the worship service. Their space opens at 10:15 am to say hello and share joys and sorrows by chat, and service begins at 10:30 am. Enjoy!

Upcoming Events

Celebration of Life for Andrew Schmitz
Saturday, December 5, 1 pm, church zoom room:
Please join us to celebrate the life of Andrew Schmitz, son of Nelson and Sue Schmitz, at a memorial service on zoom. All are welcome.

Introduction to Pair-Share Work
Sunday, December 6, 2020, 11:45 to 12:45 pm, Meeting link:
There is healing power in telling truth and bearing witness. Facilitator Janeane Weprin will be offering an Introduction to Pair-Share Work, the spiritual practice of deep listening.  Join her after the Sunday Service on December 6. Questions, contact Janeane Weprin (     

Congregational Meeting
Following worship, join us for a congregational meeting. We will hear highlights from the Board, Operation Leads, and Treasurer about our life as a community in the last six months. The Healthy Congregation Team will also present a new draft Covenant, with an opportunity to provide feedback. Join us as we celebrate our successes in adapting to this challenging time and make promises to one another to keep us healthy and strong as we move into the future.
You can find the agenda here:
You can get a preview of the HCT’s new draft covenant here:

Supporting Our Saltwater Community

Winter Bazaar
The Winter Bazaar is coming to an end! There will be a card clearance sale in December, for those of you who missed out on the bazaar. Your purchases will continue to support Saltwater year-round, with $5 from every sale going to the church!

From the Board & HCT

Our New Office Administrator
We are excited to announce that we have hired a new office administrator. Tasha Worthington began orientation on Tuesday, December 1.  As she settles in, we look forward to finding ways to introduce her to the congregation. Thank you for the work of the administrator search team: Galen Guffy, Suzanne Laurel, and Tom Spohn. If you have questions, feel free to contact Rev. Kristen, 

Ways to Live Our Values

Donate to This Year’s Giving Tree
Project Giving Tree is back again at Saltwater Church which benefits Mark Twain Elementary students & siblings. It’s just a little different this year. Here’s how you can participate:
Visit our virtual tree at
Through the SignUpGenius website, you will be able to choose which gift(s) you want to give. Then, sit in your recliner, order gifts online, and have them sent directly to Lisa Key! High Five…you’re done! Or you can choose to make a monetary donation and Lisa will do the shopping for you! Gifts and donations must arrive by December 10th ! Thank you for your generosity.

Holiday Messages for Prisoners

Last year, we collected and bought cards for us to sign after church this year, so we could help Worthy Now Prison Ministry send cards to incarcerated UUs. Because of the pandemic, many prisons are no longer accepting greeting cards. In order to safely reach out to prisoners this year, Worthy Now has posted directions on how you can volunteer from home to print pre-approved festive designs on regular paper to send holiday cheer:

Share the Plate in December: Move in Baskets for Day Center Guests
Our share the plate in the month of December will help transition Federal Way Day Center guests into permanent supportive housing.Our Sound Alliance team is happy to announce that 10 guests of the Federal Way Day Center will transition to the newly opened Thea Bowman Permanent Supportive housing located in Kent.  The building will house a total of 80 adults and veterans. Half of all undesignated funds received in the month of December will go towards assembling “move-in baskets” for guests from the Day Center, including items such as kitchen utensils, cleaning supplies, and bed linens. You can make a donation to share the plate through the donate button on our website: or mail a check to the church office with “basket” in the memo line: Saltwater UU Church, 25701 14 Pl S., Des Moines, WA 98198. 

Stance for Racial Justice
Rain or shine, show up for racial justice in December! Please wear a mask and practice social distancing.  12/13 in Des Moines from 2pm-3pm. Intersection of 272nd St. and Pacific Hwy S (near Jack- in- the Box and Arco gas).  12/27 in Puyallup from 2pm-3pm. Intersection of 136th and S. Meridian (near post office and Sonic restaurant).
Contact Colette DeMonte at for more info.

Racial Justice Core Team meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. 

SCAN! (Saltwater Climate Action Now!) monthly meeting this Sunday, 12/6 from 12 to 1:30 in the church Zoom Room. If you’re in the main breakout room following church services, just stay there and at 12 you’ll be automatically routed to the meeting. Please join us, bring a friend, and find out what you can do to help combat global warning and make the world a cleaner, better place for our future generations.

Climate Message of the Week:  You don’t have to protest in the streets to be visible about fighting climate change. According to Jaime Nack, President of the environmental consulting firm Three Squares, there are many ways you can influence others to work for a healthy planet. Recognize that when you make climate-friendly decisions like eating a plant-based diet or driving an electric car, others notice and may reconsider their own decisions. Learn about climate policies at all levels—local, regional, national and global—so you can be an effective advocate for good policies. Inspire others by letting them know what specific climate issues matter to you so they can use their resources and contacts to address that issue too. Finally, support others whether they’re just learning about climate change or are long-time activists. Every action and every step count, no matter how small.

Sound Alliance (Church zoom room) meets monthly on the 2nd Saturday 10:00 – 11:30 am

Federal Way Day Center Donations Needed
The Federal Way Day Center for unsheltered adults is providing important support to our local community while practicing social distancing. Their remarkable record of providing safe care has resulted in ZERO Covid cases. Those who were most vulnerable were admitted to safe housing sites in Kent and SeaTac. Ten long-term Day Center guests will be approved for Permanent Supported Housing at the soon to open Thea Bowman Apartments in Kent.
Your help with the most needed items can go a long way to maintaining that safety record:  cup noodles, hand warmers, rain ponchos, and trash bags. You can park in front of the Day Center and call (253-893-7895) and someone will come out to pick up the donations.  33505 13 Pl S behind the Multi-Service Center.  Or you may contact Lucia or Diane to arrange for your donations to be picked up. 

Growth and Learning

Ongoing Opportunities for Racial Justice Education

Ways to Connect

Al-Anon Support Group (private zoom, contact for link)
Mondays, 6:30-7:30 pm

Creative Hands (church zoom room)
Tuesdays, 1:30-3:30 pm
We will support one another in our creative ventures, as well as discuss ways that we can help our communities during this time.

Meditation Group (church zoom room)
Tuesdays, 7-8:15 pm
We follow a UU modified Zen practice that includes lighting a candle, chiming a singing bowl, sitting and walking in silence, listening to words of wisdom, sharing tea and conversation, now all virtual via Zoom. Contact Jean Spohn if you have questions. or 206-200-7524

Writers Group (church zoom room)
Wednesdays, 9:30 am- 12pm

Support Circle (church zoom room)
Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 pm

Over Eaters Anonymous (church zoom room)
Fridays, 5-6 pm

Support Is Available
Do you need support? Please let us know, we want to help. Are you feeling lonely or isolated? We can connect you with a lay minister or another member of the congregation. Are you in a higher risk group and do not want to venture out to the grocery store? We may be able to connect you with someone in your neighborhood to help you get the supplies you need. If you have lost income from being sick or unable to work, or do not have enough money to buy extra food and supplies, the Minister’s Discretionary Fund is available for one-time emergency support for members and friends of the church. Contact Rev. Kristen: Do you need to go to work but don’t have childcare? Are there other needs that your family has? Please be in touch with Melinda at

If you are in need of emotional or spiritual support, you can reach out directly to a Lay Minister:
Debra Valpey:
Mike Yanega:
Lynn Crow:
Toska Rodriguez:

Support for Children, Youth, and Families

Family Ministries Zoom Room

Religious Education Class for Kids and their Grown-Ups 
(Note the class address.)
Sunday mornings at 9:30 am

Junior and Senior High Youth Group 
(Note the class address.)
Sundays at 12 pm,

Jr./Sr. High Youth Group Game Night (Joint with Northlake UU)
3rd Friday of each month, 7-9 pm. 
We will be using an online game platform as one of the options for games ( – free account is plenty), so if possible, please let Margaret know if you plan to attend so we can get set up ahead of time. We hope to see you there!, Meeting ID: 309 145 529, Password: NUUC
If you are interested in having your youth (and/or yourself) receive reminder texts directly for game night and Sunday youth group, you can sign up for them by clicking this link and entering the information: 
Contact Margaret Rogers for more information:

Family Support Circles
First & Third Mondays, 7:30-8:30 pm
Family ministries zoom room

Parents Facebook Group 
You can also connect with other Saltwater Church families with children and youth for support through the Parents Facebook group:    

The Saltwater Church Family Ministries Library Wants to Visit Your Home!
Have your children run out of books to read, with school and public libraries closed? The Saltwater Family Ministries library has books to share! Contact to borrow books.  

General Information

How to Access the Church Zoom Room 
To access Zoom, go to
and click on “To join a meeting-click here.” Or from the main church webpage, select Zoom Room from the drop down menu under “news and events” on the top menu bar. If this is your first time using Zoom, follow the prompts to download the application to your computer.

If you would prefer to join by phone, dial 1-669-900-6833 and enter Meeting ID: 736 142 4210 when prompted. You may need a password. If you do not have the password, please contact Melinda:  

If you have a smartphone, you can download the Zoom app and join with Meeting ID: 736 142 4210 for video and audio connection. You will need a password. If you do not have the password, please contact Melinda:

Saltwater Church Building
The church building is closed to all in-person programming, groups, and meetings.  Staff are working from home.  Staff members will be going by the property to collect the mail and to check on the campus.  Planting Flowers has resumed providing essential childcare support to families.

Please Note:  Additions to the newsletter must be received by noon Wednesday to be included in that week’s newsletter.  Send your submissions to or use the website form at