Sunday Worship Watch Parties are coming soon!
Help make them a reality

We’re looking forward to getting together again! Our first step in resuming in-person worship is with “watch parties”. The service will continue to be available to you at home on your computer, and will also be on the “big screen” in the sanctuary. To reduce the risk of illness as we emerge from this pandemic we are:
- Open to a maximum of 25 people in the sanctuary. Due to limited seating, we’ll have a reservation system. More information about making your reservation will be available in the upcoming weeks.
- Those attending will be required to wear masks. Family groups can sit together and will be asked to distance from others.
- There will not be an in-person “coffee hour” after the service. However, you can socialize outside (maintaing a safe distance).
Please help us turn this idea into a reality! Volunteer as a Greeter, Usher, or to help run the AV equipment. These volunteer positions will take only a couple hours of your time and will ensure your seat in the sanctuary on the day you work.
Job descriptions can be found by clicking the title of the role that interests you. You can sign up for a position by emailing Reopening Task Force member Anjali Lopez: All volunteers are invited to our training session scheduled for April 2, after which we will create a volunteer schedule for the coming months.