Imagine a web – many strands reaching and connecting, running first one way and then another, separately gossamer, collectively strong.

Now picture the church as a congregation of connections with strands interlacing us through worship, activities, events, conversation, and listening.


In all the beauty of languages, cultures, and skin tones that come together in your uniqueness, you are welcome here.
In all the ways you experience and express gender, ability and embodiment, you are welcome here.
In the beauty that is who you love and how you love, you are welcome here.
With all the religious and ethical traditions that inform your spiritual life, you are welcome here.
You are invited to join us with an open mind, a loving heart, and welcoming hands.

How to Get Involved

We are a vibrant community with many opportunities for connection, and many ways to contribute to our ministries. Click the button to learn about some of the ways you can connect with others at Saltwater Church beyond our Sunday Worship services and learn more about our congregation.

Weekly Newsletter

Our weekly e-mail update comes out on Fridays, featuring information about church events for the upcoming week.

Caring Community

Sometimes we need a helping hand, sometimes we can offer one.  If you need pastoral care or would like to help provide care to others in our church community, click to learn more.

Together we are a web that supports and stretches, contains and cares for the members and friends that find a home here as well as the folks we encounter in the wider community. As we’ve grown, Saltwater has genuinely become a diverse community of individuals and families at various points on life’s path – a community expanding its web of connections to offer pastoral support when we are made aware of the need. In response to that growth, we’ve gathered our ministries of support into the Community Operations.  Also check out our online resources section for information and resources about a variety of life issues.