Foster Connection

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The Saltwater Community has committed to limiting our carbon footprint. One way we honor this commitment is we use an online application, Realm Connect, for membership connections. If you wish to access our directory, please sign into Realm Connect. If you do not have a login, please contact our Congregational Administrator,

What Is Realm Connect ?
We have begun launching our new membership program, Realm Connect. This is and will become a very useful tool for communication and connection within our community on a secure, online platform. The more of our members that log on to the application and engage, the more robust your experience will be. There will be multiple phases with the roll out of our new system. Our Board President, Diane Schairer and Bubba have provided a few highlights of what Realm Connect makes possible.
- Phase 1: Easy and SECURE online engagement
- Learn about Community Groups and our Volunteer Opportunities (Serving Teams) within the Realm Connect app and easily express your interest or get information about upcoming gatherings.
- Email a group or team (like “Board” or “Sunday Morning Volunteers”) and everyone in that group or team will receive your message. There is no longer a need to remember who was involved or if you have their correct email address. New people will be added and old people will be dropped from the group, so you’ll never need to worry about forgetting to contact new members.
- You can look up anyone in a group, on a team, or attending a specific event. Each option has a list of participants. Individual contact information can easily be located from the list of participants.
- The only contact information shared is that which the individual has given permission to share.
- There is an instant access, online directory available.
- Names and contact info that is shared is secure, unlike posting those on our website.
- Phase 2: Record Keeping & Reporting
- What I pledge and the payments that I’ve made will be visible (only to me), so I can quickly check my payment status
- I can download a statement for my financial and tax records
- Reports can be produced and sent from Realm Connect to others using the program
- I can update my own information if my phone number, address, or other contact information changes
- I have control over my own privacy settings and can choose what to share about myself within the community
- Phase 3: Volunteer coordination – If we all fill out our profiles, team leaders could see
- The skills and interests of the members in our community can be identified in Realm Connect. Instead of relying on our memory when we are looking for help on a project … “Oh, Diane did that before, maybe she’ll do it again” we will be able to see who has expressed an interest in filling a role or position. Our current practice has a tendency to exclude new people from the “in crowd” and burns out people who have been around for awhile.
- A history will be kept under each person showing what we’ve done and what we are doing — so if someone is already doing 5 things, maybe we won’t ask them for a 6th. If someone is not yet involved, being able to see what their interests will allow our leaders to personally invite them.
- If I have an activity I want to participate in (example Creative Hands Ministry) I’ll be able to search for that group, learn about that group, and express interest in it – all within Realm Connect
- Documents can be shared within a community group or a serving team. This will help make sure materials are accessible to the right people, when needed, without having to hunt through the shared google drive and making certain I have the right access.
That’s just the beginning!
Realm Connect can do more than replace texting and emails. More than provide a readily accessible and up to date directory. It holds all our record keeping in one place and makes it easier to share information and keep track of who is doing what. Everything is integrated. It’s a major undertaking and we will continue to experience new benefits from it throughout 2025 and 2026.

Want to know who does what?
Need to submit a reimbursement request? Download the expense voucher and submit with receipt(s) to

Requests to join the SUUC Community discussion list can be made at: