Date(s) - May/23/2021
9:15 pm - 9:30 pm
Categories No Categories
Have you been telling yourself, “I want to join the SUUC family.”?
Is the time right for you to take the steps necessary to join our church?
Members should be in alignment with the mission, vision, values and covenant of our church and Unitarian Universalism. Members are asked to make a pledge to support the church financially within their means (waivers are available) and to seek ways to share their gifts by volunteering and/or serving our community. If you answered “yes” to the above questions, you are encouraged to request an application for membership from Bev Ross; email: OR from Rev Kristen; email: Once completed applications are received, a book signing page will be forwarded to you and arrangements made to have you sign it.
PLEASE NOTE: Anyone wishing to vote in the June 13th , 2020 Congregational Meeting, MUST be a member by May 23rd. We look forward to welcoming you to our fellowship!