Date(s) - Apr/21/2023
12:00 am
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Application to Serve as Delegate to the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly
June 21 – 23, 2023
The Role of Delegates
This year, delegates to General Assembly will vote for President of the UUA, and will have the opportunity to make comments and recommend amendments to the proposed Article II revisions. The Board is looking for a panel of delegates that understand and can represent the varied perspectives in the congregation. We want people who will take steps to listen to what others are saying and are open to learning from each other. Delegates will be asked to participate in the business meetings, including the mini-assembly, to represent the voice of Saltwater UU Church.
How to Apply
• Complete the online form, found on our website at — all submissions will go to the Board for review.
• If you prefer, click here to print a form, fill it out and get it to Karin Leisy, Board President– either
leave it in her mailbox at church, or scan it and email it to
• You may contact the office administrator for additional assistance at
Please note
• Applications are due April 1, 2023.
• Only members are eligible to be delegates for the congregation.