We gather together to explore Unitarian Universalism through worship, conversation, games, art, and music.  Together we create a community where both children and adults learn to understand the world as a place of wonder. We nurture leadership skills, helping all to create the tools to think creatively, act compassionately, and engage courageously with the world.

Classes and Curriculum

Religious education classes are available for children and youth (teens) during the 10:30 worship service.  Curriculum is selected to support each stage of children’s faith development in exploring congregation-wide Soul Matters themes.  

Looking for resources on a specific topic?  Visit our online resources section for age-appropriate information on Unitarian Universalism, life issues, spiritual practices, and more.


We welcome visiting families!  Children and youth are always welcome to visit our religious education classes. They are also welcome to bring a friend with them if they wish.


Please register your children after about three visits. Registration helps us keep your children safe and keep you informed about all the wonderful things going on each week in church.   To register, contact Jessica Nash, our Director of Faith Formation at faithformation@saltwaterchurch.org

Cost of the Program

This program, like other core church programs, is funded by the generous giving of members through annual pledges to the church operating budget.  There is no fee or tuition required. In addition, the program receives support from dedicated volunteers from all corners of the church community. Please consider supporting this and other church programs through your own time, talents and financial resources.


Attending worship, religious education classes, and special events regularly can help provide resources for your children and youth that they can’t get anywhere else. The friendships children create in their church communities help enrich and support their search for meaning in their daily lives.

Resources for Families:  Visit our Family Ministry page for links to our children’s lending library, our parent support group, resources for discussing our commitment to racial justice with your children, and resources for deepening your faith at home.