Caring for Our Church Home
Caring for our church is something all ages contribute to. From helping to pick up toys in the nursery as toddlers, to helping with a church fundraiser, or participating in a work party to improve our buildings or grounds, our young people participate alongside adults in maintaining and caring for our church.
Our religious education program, like most church activities, are free of charge. Families are encouraged to make a financial pledge to help support the church and its programs.
stepping stones made by the children for the 2016 auction
bird bath created by the children for the 2015 auction
The children’s store at the 2017 Holiday Bazaar.
High school youth bake sale fundraiser
Young people helped to remove ivy from trees at a grounds workparty
Looking for more stewardship resources for your family? Check out our library, or the list of online resources. Also visit the stewardship section of our website for more ways to get involved.