Archives: Services

The Art of Failure

Rev. Kristen Kuriga September’s Theme: ExpectationIn the month of September we’ll explore together the theme of expectation What expectations do we have of ourselves and this community? When do we need to let go of our expectations? Can failing to meet expectations be an opportunity for growth? Soul Matters describes being a people of expectation … Continue reading The Art of Failure

Turning of the Year

Rev. Amy Beltaine, Guest Minister September’s Theme: ExpectationIn the month of September we’ll explore together the theme of expectation. What expectations do we have of ourselves and this community? When do we need to let go of our expectations? Can failing to meet expectations be an opportunity for growth? Soul Matters describes being a people … Continue reading Turning of the Year

Celebration of Our Shared Ministry

Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Church joyfully invites you to celebrate our shared ministry with the Installation of Rev. Kristen Kuriga Clergy of all faiths, religious professionals andseminarians are invited to gather and robeat 1:15 pm for the 2 pm processional.Robing is optional Children and youth are welcome! Child care will be provided. Reception to follow

Expect the Unexpected

Rev. Kristen Kuriga September’s Theme: Expectation In the month of September we’ll explore together the theme of expectation. What expectations do we have of ourselves and this community? When do we need to let go of our expectations? Can failing to meet expectations be an opportunity for growth? Soul Matters describes being a people of … Continue reading Expect the Unexpected

Waters of Our Community

Rev. Kristen Kuriga On Sunday, September 8th, we will celebrate the start of the church year with our Water Communion ritual. I invite you to bring a small amount of water with you from somewhere local: the sound, a stream or lake, collected rainwater, or even water from your kitchen faucet. In our ritual we … Continue reading Waters of Our Community

¡Sí, Se Puede!, Yes, We Can!

Rev. Kristen Kuriga Centering Quote: “From the depth of need and despair, people can work together, can organize themselves to solve their own problems and fill their own needs with dignity and strength.” -Cesar Chavez September’s Theme: ExpectationIn the month of September we’ll explore together the theme of expectation. What expectations do we have of … Continue reading ¡Sí, Se Puede!, Yes, We Can!

Kindness as a Radical Act

Rev. Kristen Kuriga Is kindness something you value? In this current political climate, it can feel like the commitment to kindness is countercultural. Let’s explore kindness as a radical act: kindness towards ourselves, one another, and all living beings.

Faith Inspired Climate Justice

Join us to hear reflections from Court Olsen & Keith Ervin from Faith Action Climate Team (FACT) about living our values and taking action for climate justice. The service is organized and led by members of Saltwater Climate Action Now! (SCAN!). Come be inspired to work for justice! “Global climate change is our call for … Continue reading Faith Inspired Climate Justice


Rev. Kristen Kuriga Does engaging in the practice of gratitude matter—for us? for others? for our world? Come experience gratitude as a spiritual discipline and an organic expression of our UU values. “Religion…is a phenomenon that begins in wonder. Feelings of awe, reverence and gratitude are primary.” -Rev. Gary Kowalski