Archives: Services

Peace Like a River

The 6th Unitarian Universalist Principle calls on us to affirm and promote, “the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all,” and the proposed UU values statement “declare[s] that every person has the right to flourish with inherent dignity and worthiness.” Rev. Alison will share how her commitment to peace and non-violence … Continue reading Peace Like a River

Ramadan, Easter and Passover – Honoring Traditions as One Joyful Community

Description: This Easter Sunday, we will honor the three Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We will hear about Easter and about Passover from members of the Haitians Christian United Church and the Bet Chavarim Synagogue, with whom we share our sanctuary. We will also hear a story about Ramadan from the Islamic tradition. … Continue reading Ramadan, Easter and Passover – Honoring Traditions as One Joyful Community

Joyful Community

Ours is a joyful community made up of members and friends who come together of our own free will to put our mission into action. Today, we’ll experience the joy of co-creation during our Sunday service, making an art installation together in real time, guided by Miriam Woito. No artistic talent or experience required! With … Continue reading Joyful Community

Celebrating Community!

We are Saltwater UU Church! Come join us as we welcome new members, acknowledge our dedicated volunteers, and celebrate that all of us have freely chosen to be part of this beloved community.

My Grandmother’s Hands

Join Rev. Alison and author and activist Kokayi Nosakhere as they share lessons and practices from Resmaa Menakem’s book My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies. This service offers an understanding of the way racialized trauma is passed down through generations — and practical tools we can use … Continue reading My Grandmother’s Hands

Celebrating Imbolc: The Promise of Spring’s Return

Join Saltwater Church’s Covenant of UU Pagans and Rev. Alison to honor the cross-quarter holy day of Imbolc, half way between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. At this time, sacred to the Celtic Goddess Brigit, we begin to see evidence around us that spring is coming even in the heart of winter. Let … Continue reading Celebrating Imbolc: The Promise of Spring’s Return