Archives: Services

Swing Dance for Every Body (in person) & Pair Sharing (on Zoom)

In person: Accessible Swing Dance Basic Lesson Please join Lua Wolf for their first swing dance teaching experience! They write, “I have been swing dancing for seven years. I started dancing with Tri-Town Swing in Kennewick Washington, and decided to move to this area once I realized that Kennewick does not offer enough dancing for … Continue reading Swing Dance for Every Body (in person) & Pair Sharing (on Zoom)

Weaving Our Lives: General Assembly Worship 2024

At 10am in the Saltwater sanctuary, we’ll join in the largest annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists in worship as we live-stream the Sunday Worship Service from UU General Assembly. Those wishing to join online can watch the service by visiting We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is … Continue reading Weaving Our Lives: General Assembly Worship 2024

Following Their Lead: Youth Bridging Service

In this mutligenerational service, children, youth, adults and elders will celebrate Saltwater youth transitioning to adulthood as Rev. Alison reminds us that the young people in our lives and communities have important wisdom to share if we’re willing to listen.

Flowing Along the Way: Lessons from the Tao te Ching

“True goodness is like water. Water’s good for everything. It doesn’t compete. It goes right to the low, loathesome places, and so finds the way.” –Lao Tsu, translated by Urusula K. LeGuin Thousands of years ago in China, during a time of political and social upheaval, a small volume was written to help people find … Continue reading Flowing Along the Way: Lessons from the Tao te Ching

Agreeing to Disagree: Pluralism in Our Past, Present & Future

Amidst the Radical Reformation of the 1500’s, the only Unitarian kingdom in history declared freedom of conscience and religious toleration. 400 years later, the Unitarian Universalist faith moved beyond Christianity to draw inspiration from many sources. This means that the person sitting next to you at church probably has beliefs that differ from yours. Rev. … Continue reading Agreeing to Disagree: Pluralism in Our Past, Present & Future

Flower Communion & Honoring the Mothers in Our Lives

The Flower Communion is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. This year we celebrate on Mother’s Day, honoring the beauty, uniqueness and diversity or all the people in our lives who have mothered us as well as our Mother Earth. There will be two alters set up for this multigenerational … Continue reading Flower Communion & Honoring the Mothers in Our Lives

Solidarity Forever: Celebrating International Worker’s Day

Description: Rev. Alison and special guest former union organizer Dorothy Gibson will share the connections between faith values and the rights of working people. Music Director Tom Burt and the Saltwater Choir with Betty Beck on banjo will weave workers’ anthems from Dolly Parton, Woody Guthrie, and Pete Seeger through this celebration of the power … Continue reading Solidarity Forever: Celebrating International Worker’s Day