Saltwater Church Newsletter April 10, 2020

Dear Saltwater Community,

We hope that you and your family are well. As we continue to help slow the spread of the coronavirus through observing social distancing, we want to let you know about ways that you can stay connected through Saltwater Church.

Worship Church zoom room (  
Each Sunday we are offering online worship through zoom at 10:30 am. More information below about how to connect through the zoom room.

April 12: “Looking Toward Resurrection,” Rev. Kristen Kuriga
This Easter, it feels like we are at the empty tomb sitting in the mystery and wondering where Jesus has gone. Has the resurrection happened? We will explore what messages the Easter story has for us. Where do we find hope?  What did Jesus teach, and what do those teachings ask of us in these times?

April 19: “Our Blue Boat Home,” Rev. Kristen Kuriga
A service celebrating our love for the earth, and how that love calls us to care. This Earth Day we are reminded that caring for the earth is essential; our well-being is connected to the well-being of the earth. Our liberation is bound up with each other.

April: What Does it Mean to be a People of Liberation?
This month we are exploring the theme of liberation. Is there a difference between liberation and freedom? Is liberation individual or collective? What does liberation mean as we navigate this pandemic? We will explore ways that we can live into liberation through working with our emotions, engaging in spiritual practice, caring for one another and the earth, and advocating for justice. Soul Matters describes the practice of liberation as accepting that we are already enough, and the process of realizing that the freedom of others and our own is one and the same.

Support for Children, Youth, and Families
Family Ministries Zoom Room

Religious Education Class for Kids and their Grown-Ups
Sunday mornings at 9:30 am, family ministries zoom room

Junior and Senior High Youth Group
Sundays at 12 pm, family ministries zoom room

Family support circles
Thursdays at 6:30 pm, family ministries zoom room

Parents Facebook Group
You can also connect with other church families with children and youth for support through the Parents facebook group:

Ways to Connect

Support Circles
(church zoom room)
We are offering a series of drop-in support circles on zoom. The format is simple: a chalice lighting, check-in, and a reflection question on our theme for this month. The circles are offered on Tuesday and Thursdays at lunch time, and on Tuesday evenings.

Tuesday, April 14, 12:30-1:30 pm
Tuesday, April 14, 7-8 pm
Thursday, April 16, 12:30-1:30 pm

Al-Anon Support Group (church zoom room)
Mondays, 6-7 pm  

Creative Hands (church zoom room)
Tuesdays, 1:30-3:30 pm
We will support one another in our creative ventures, as well as discuss ways that we can help our communities during this time. Debra Valpey can offer basic knitting lessons.

Meditation Group (church zoom room)
Tuesdays, 8-9 pm
Join the meditation group on zoom to help nourish your spirit. The group will have a teaching, sitting meditation, walking meditation, and an opportunity to share.

Writer’s Group (church zoom room)
Wednesdays, 9:30 am- 12pm
The Writer’s group is now meeting on zoom. All are welcome!

Choir Fellowship (church zoom room)
Thursdays, 7-8 pm
Members of the choir are invited to join Tom Burt, Music Director, for a time of connection and fellowship.

Over Eaters Anonymous (church zoom room)
Fridays, 5-6 pm

Update on Federal Way Day Center
As the Federal Way Day Center establishes distancing practices to safely accommodate guests – only 15 people at a time – they are making food available but are in need of paper goods and disposable utensils for safe serving. That means paper plates, cups, towels and plastic utensils. If you can help drop them at FW Day Center at 33505 13th Pl S. FW. Or contact Lucia Faithfull to arrange for supply pickup at or 206-913-9748. Due additional funding from the city the Day Center hours of operation are now 9am to 6pm. As housing accommodations for those who have been exposed or are positive are finalized the news will be shared. Thank you for your continued support.

Support Available
Do you need support? Please let us know, we want to help. Are you feeling lonely or isolated? We can connect you with a lay minister or another member of the congregation. Are you in a higher risk group and do not want to venture out to the grocery store? We may be able to connect you with someone in your neighborhood to help you get the supplies you need. If you have lost income from being sick or unable to work, or do not have enough money to buy extra food and supplies, the Minister’s Discretionary Fund is available for one-time emergency support for members and friends of the church. Contact Rev. Kristen: Do you need to go to work but don’t have childcare? Are there other needs that your family has? Please be in touch with Melinda:

Can you help?
During this time we want to make sure that everyone is connected and supported. It will take all of us to care for one another. Are you able to help other church members in your neighborhood who may be in need? Please contact Rev. Kristen if you can help:

Pledge Drive Follow-up
Thank to those of you who have already turned in your pledge cards. We are so grateful for the generosity, care, and commitment of the members and friends of this community that allows us to continue to do the essential work of fostering connection and care, nurturing spiritual growth, and acting for justice. The easiest way to let us know your pledge for the upcoming church year is to send an email to Gaye Greeves, Treasurer, can also access the pledge materials online and mail your pledge card to the church office:

We know that for many of us this is a time of great uncertainty. If you are struggling financially, please know that a waiver is always available. If you are not able to commit to a pledge right now, we understand. It is helpful if you let us know so that we can develop a congregational budget. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Rev. Kristen:, or a member of the pledge team: Tom McDavid, Mary Paynter, Saphronia Young and Silvia McClung.

How to Access the Church Zoom Room for Worship & Support Groups

To access Zoom, go to and click on “To join a meeting—click here.” Or from the main church webpage, select Zoom Room from the drop down menu under “news and events” on the top menu bar. If this is your first time using Zoom, follow the prompts to download the application to your computer.

If you would prefer to join by phone, dial 1-669-900-6833 and enter Meeting ID: 736 142 4210 when prompted. You may need a password. If you do not have the password, please contact Melinda:

If you have a smartphone, you can download the Zoom app and join with Meeting ID: 736 142 4210 for video and audio connection.  You will need a password. If you do not have the password, please contact Melinda:

Updated information about the Church Zoom Room & Troubleshooting
In response to security concerns, Saltwater Church has added a waiting room to our Zoom Room. This means the host of the meeting must admit you to the meeting or worship space. 

When joining the Saltwater Zoom Room, you will see “Saltwater Church’s Personal Meeting Room.  Please wait, the meeting host will let you in soon.”  This is the waiting room.  You will see a spinning wheel while you wait, like you would if a webpage were loading slowly.  You may need to wait a few minutes before you are admitted to the Zoom Room.

When many people are accessing the Zoom Room at once, the wait may be longer.  If you can, please log in early for worship.  If we can stagger the times when people are joining, the process may go smoother.  When attempting to join early, you will see the waiting room screen.  We will begin admitting people from the waiting room at 10:15 am (once worship leaders have had a chance to complete tech rehearsal).  See below for some alternative ways to access the Zoom Room. 

Alternate ways to join zoom: 

Software Updates: 

If you experience any technical issues on Zoom, the first thing you should do is confirm that you have the latest version of the Zoom client installed on your computer.  To check for updates:

  1. Open the Zoom desktop app and log in (if not already logged in)
  2. Click your profile picture (in the upper right hand corner) then click Check for Updates
  3. If there is a newer version, Zoom will download and install it

Please contact Melinda at if you need further help accessing Zoom.

How to Schedule a Meeting on Zoom
1.  Anyone with a church-oriented group can schedule the zoom room.
2.  You will need some training on how to host a zoom meeting using the church zoom
room.  Melinda has a video and hand-out: melinda@saltwaterchurchlorg
3.  Once trained, please check the church calendar to see if the room is available: 
4.  Once you have a date and time, you can schedule through the room request form on the website: or contact CJ by email:
5.  You must schedule it at least a few days in advance.  CJ will be scheduling meetings during her regular hours, Tuesday-Friday, 9 am-2 pm.
6.  You can even schedule the zoom room for a social gathering. Folks wanting to share music, poetry, art, etc. are welcome to do that.

Saltwater Church Building
The church building is closed to all in-person programming, groups, and meetings. All staff are working from home. Staff will be going by the property to collect the mail and to check on the campus.

Staying in Touch
We will continue to provide updates. Please watch your email, the church website, and our facebook page. We also encourage you to stay informed about the recommendations being issued by King County Public Health: