What to Expect in Worship
Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Church (SWUUC) is a welcoming community. We accept you and your family just as you are. Come celebrate, worship, learn, and grow with us! Wear what makes you comfortable. Many of us dress casually while others appreciate a chance to get fancy.
Sunday Service starts at 10:30 am. Children stay with their parents for the first part of the service. After a Story for All Ages, the children are “sung” out to their Religious Exploration classes in the Lighthouse building. Parents are also welcome to keep their children in the service or attend class with them. We are proud to offer monthly multi-generational opportunities for worship on Faith Formation Sunday, the 3rd Sunday of each month, with 90 minutes services tailored for participation by all ages with children remaining in the sanctuary for the full worship service on these Sundays. Nursery care is always available for babies and toddlers if needed.
Topics for worship services vary between spiritually inspiring sermons, religious responses to happenings in our world, calls for justice, holiday and holy day observations from a wide range of faith traditions, opportunities to learn and practice new skills grounded in our faith, and more. Scripture used includes modern day poetry and essays as well as readings from all the world’s faith traditions. Our minister speaks 3-4 times a month, and on other Sundays we have guest ministers, speakers, and lay members of our congregation.
When you arrive at Saltwater Unitarian Universalist Church on a Sunday morning, you’ll be greeted by one of our members, who will introduce you to our volunteer at the Welcome Kiosk You will be invited to sign our guest register and make a name tag. Our Welcome Kiosk volunteer can answer any questions you may have as well provide literature about church programs and activities.

Our services typically follow this order:
Musical prelude or choir presentation
Opening words
Hymn singing
Lighting the Chalice
Welcoming Words
Land Acknowledgement
Story for All Ages
Singing the children to their classes
Sharing the joys and sorrows of our congregation
Hymn singing
More music
Inspirational reading
Message of the morning
Hymn singing
Extinguishing the Chalice
Benediction and Closing