Author: Historical Archives

Healthy Congregation Team Guidelines for Having Difficult Conversations

As Unitarian Universalists we are committed to creating a safe space for conversations that foster, enable and encourage our own growth and learning.  To this end and to help us remain a community in covenant, your Healthy Congregations Team offers the following guidelines/reminders for when we find ourselves having an emotional reaction to something another … Continue reading Healthy Congregation Team Guidelines for Having Difficult Conversations

Fundraiser for SUUC

Since the Winter Bazaar fundraiser was canceled this year due to COVID-19, Joanne Stonebraker is selling her handmade cards online to benefit Saltwater Church. This will be an ongoing fundraiser, where 50% of the sales revenue from her Etsy store ( will go to the church. Now you can keep in touch with friends and … Continue reading Fundraiser for SUUC

A Few Words from your Healthy Congregation Team (H.C.T.)

A Few Words from your H.C.T. (Quinn Rose, Bev Ross, & Debra Valpey)       Your Healthy Congregation Team (H.C.T.) stands with you during these difficult times as you navigate our new normal. This month we bring you some thoughts on Soul Matters’ theme of compassion.       Compassion means to be with (com) another’s suffering (passio). … Continue reading A Few Words from your Healthy Congregation Team (H.C.T.)