Archives: Services

The Right to Flourish: Seeking Educational Justice

There is a crisis in our education system in Washington State. Schools are facing budget deficits, laying off staff and cutting programs. How did we get here, and how do our Unitarian Universalist values inform our response? Reverend Amy Moses-Lagos served as the minister of Free Church Unitarian in Blaine, Washington from 2016-2021. She currently … Continue reading The Right to Flourish: Seeking Educational Justice

UU Climate Justice Revival

Throughout religious history, revivals have marked periods of resurgence in people’s commitment to their faith traditions. They brought the community together and served as a galvanizing force for the future, often during times of great change or anxiety. In the midst of overlapping climate crises and mounting social injustice, now is the time to worshipfully re-imagine a … Continue reading UU Climate Justice Revival

We Invite You to be YOU! Come as You Are

Celebrating the uniqueness of each person in our congregation, we recognize our diversity of strengths, values, and ability to participate. We are a thriving congregation within the UU tradition because of the uniqueness of our members. We are Saltwater.

Our Principles, Our Values, Our Mission

In June, representatives from UU congregations around the country and the world voted to revise the way the Unitarian Universalist Association bylaws talk about the purpose of our denomination. Rev. Alison will explore the way this new articulation of UU values builds on the previous Principles and dovetails beautifully with our mission at Saltwater Church … Continue reading Our Principles, Our Values, Our Mission