To join the church zoom room go to:
Each Sunday we offer online worship through zoom at 10:30 am. For any of our worship services or meetings, you can join by computer or by calling in on your telephone. You can find more information about how to connect through zoom towards the end of our Saltwater Church Newsletter.
April Worship Services
April 3: “Our Saltwater Journeys,” featuring reflections from Lay Leaders
Saphronia Young, Jean Spohn, and Miriam Woito
April 10: “The Power of Us!,” Rev. Kristen Kuriga
April 17: “Love Lives,” Rev. Kristen Kuriga
April 24: “What’s Your Climate Zip Code?,” Sheri Jacobson, Lay Leader
Theme for April: “Journey”
In the month of April we are exploring the theme of journey. Our individual journeys overlap with the journeys of other travelers, and those overlaps help us grow, learn and transform. Together we will explore the calling to search, wander, and experience. We will share our stories of transformation with one another. Where in your life is a journey unfolding? Let us explore together!
Upcoming Events
To view our complete calendar of events, click here.
If you wish to schedule an event, click here to fill out a request form.
Save the Date
Worship Watch Party Launch on Sunday, April 17!
Meet in the sanctuary to view worship services on the ‘big screen.’
Additional details shown below.
Training for Sunday Morning Volunteers
Saturday April 2, varying times from 10:00am – 12:45pm
In Person – Saltwater Church Sanctuary

Want to learn how to serve as a Greeter, Usher, or AV Desk volunteer? We would love to have you come train with us! Below is the schedule for training, based on the role you are interested in. All volunteers will need to be trained on opening the building and disarming the alarm system, either before or after the role-specific training session you are attending.
10:00am – 10:15am: Building & Alarm System Training
10:15am – 11:15am: Usher & Greeter Training
11:15am – 11:30am: Building and Alarm System Training
11:30am – 12:30pm: AV Desk Training
12:30am – 12:45pm: Building & Alarm System Training
Let us know you are planning to join us for training by emailing Reopening Task Force member Anjali Lopez:

GAME NIGHT – sponsored by Saltwater UU Social Group (SUUSG)
Saturday April 2, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
In Person – Welcome Room
Join our Saltwater community for an evening of fun. Friends and visitors are welcome. We play all types of board games (ranging from lighter games like Clue to more complex games like Pandemic). We also play thematic games, card games, and party and social games. Almost anything is possible, bring your favorite game and let us know about it. We gather together every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. This event will follow our current COVID-19 Guidelines. We hope to see you there.

UU the Vote Launch Party 2022
Sunday April 10, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Online – Register by Clicking Here
When we organize, we build power in our communities for justice, accountability, and healing. With UU the Vote 2022, we’re organizing on the state and local levels to fight for fair elections, advance voting rights, protect abortion access, and resist the targeting and criminalization of Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities. Together, our communities can address the current threats to our democracy and human dignity. Join the movement to UU the Vote!

Outdoor Easter Egg Hunt – an event for all ages
Saturday April 16, 10:00am – 11:30am
In Person – Saltwater Church Grounds
You are invited to our in-person Easter Egg Hunt. People of all ages are encouraged to attend to connect with one another and build multigenerational community. Children ages 12 and under may bring a basket and hunt for eggs on the lawn. Youth group members are invited to help hide the eggs and hand out prizes. ***image credit: Rondae Productions

Launch of Sunday Worship Watch Parties
Sunday April 17, 10:30am – 11:30am
In Person – Saltwater Church Sanctuary
Starting on April 17 there will now be an in-person worship option. Join us in the Saltwater sanctuary for worship watch party, in which the zoom service will be shared in the sanctuary on the big screen. Connect with others, sing along together to the hymns, and experience the view of nature out the sanctuary windows. At this time, worship leaders will continue to lead on zoom in the gradual process of reopening. Over time, we will move towards a full hybrid worship option.
The Board’s recent changes to our COVID-19 Guidelines allows the following:
- The sanctuary will be open to a maximum of 40 people (3ft social distancing) and overflow in the welcome room. There is no need to register in advance.
- Those attending will be required to wear masks. Family groups can sit together and will be asked to distance from others.
- There will not be an in-person “coffee hour” after the service. However, we encourage people to connect after service outdoors when the weather is good.
People of all ages are welcome. We hope to see you in person for worship one Sunday soon!

The Power of Us!
Our Annual Pledge Drive is happening now!
Our annual Saltwater Church pledge drive is an opportunity to reflect on what the church means in your life and to give generously towards the fulfillment of our shared mission. Every gift makes a difference. If this church has held you in love, inspired you to grow, offered you ways to live your most deeply held values, then we invite you to make a pledge to support the church.
At the below link you can access our Pledge Form, as well as a links to our pledge materials. The pledge drive runs through April 10, and we ask that all pledge cards be returned at that time:
Connection Circles
Various Opportunities
Please register in advance
You are invited to join the Board and Pledge team in a small group opportunity to connect with one another, share stories, and live out our mission at Saltwater Church.
We hope that all members and friends will sign up for one session between
before April 10 to celebrate our resilience as a congregation, dream our emergence from this protective cocoon, and fund our mission into the future to fully express “The Power of Us!” All connection circles are offered through zoom. The remaining available dates and times are listed below.

Saturday 4/2 10-11:30 AM Church Zoom Room
Sunday 4/3 12-1:30 PM Minister’s Zoom Room
Thursday 4/7 7-8:30 PM Church Zoom Room
Friday 4/8 10-11:30 AM Church Zoom Room
In order to keep our groups small, registration is required. Pick the opportunity that fits your schedule and click here to sign up. If you wish to copy and past the web address it is:
Special Invitation from Bet Chaverim
Saturday April 30, 7:00pm
Saltwater Church Sanctuary
In honor of Israeli Independence Day, Bet Chaverim wishes to invite you to an in person concert. This event is Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and the Women of Reform Judaism. If you wish to attend in person, you will need to show proof of vaccination and wear a mask. The event will also be aired over Zoom. The meeting ID is 411 839 0307 and the passcode is 244494. If you have questions, contact our Administrator at

Childcare Now Available for Church Events
To request childcare for church events, please contact Director of Family Ministries Melinda Einander at Please remember to request childcare in advance of your event. We ask that you give at least one week’s notice whenever possible. Childcare requests made the day of the event generally cannot be honored.
Current In-person Activity COVID-19 Guidelines
Please see our website at for the most up to date information. We continue to review current guidelines for King County and the state of Washington to ensure we adhere to their standards.
Ways to Volunteer

Sunday Worship Watch Parties are coming soon!
Help make them a reality
We’re looking forward to getting together again! Our first step in resuming in-person worship is with “watch parties”. The service will continue to be available to you at home on your computer, and will also be on the “big screen” in the sanctuary
Please help us turn this idea into a reality! Volunteer as a Greeter, Usher, or to help run the AV equipment. These volunteer positions will take only a couple hours of your time and will ensure your seat in the sanctuary on the day you work.
Job descriptions can be found by clicking the title of the role that interests you. You can sign up for a position by emailing Reopening Task Force member Anjali Lopez: All volunteers are invited to our training session scheduled for April 2, after which we will create a volunteer schedule for the coming months.

NomCom is seeking new members
Our Nominations Committee is on a mission to find candidates interested in becoming more active in church administration and in leadership opportunities here at Saltwater. NomCom is responsible for finding volunteers annually for two positions on the Church Board and two positions for the “NomCom” itself. Team members serve a two-year commitment. The meeting time is variable. If you are interested in participating in one of these volunteer opportunities, please contact one of our current NomCom members.
- Marlies Scott-Wenzel at
- Toska Rodrigues at
- Kathy Linnell at
- Laurie Bardill at

Facilities Team
Monthly on the 1st Wednesday, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Church Zoom Room
Our next meeting is Wednesday April 6. The Facilities Team is comprised of volunteers who help organize the maintenence of our buildings as well as the upkeep of our grounds. There are a handful of preparations being made for the upcoming launch of “watch parties.” Learn about these projects and discover how you can help support our community by attending one of our meetings.
***Image credit: Karolina Grabowska

Saltwater Church Safety Taskforce
Monthly on the 3rd Thursday, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Church Zoom Room
Our next meeting is Thursday April 21. The Safety Team is comprised of members of Saltwater and Bet Chaverim. We discuss building safety and planning for emergency.
From The Board & HCT

Reopening Update
On Wednesday, March 23, the Saltwater Board met and reviewed our Covid Safety Guidelines. With the support of the Pandemic Task Force, these guidelines have been revised to allow more in-person connection, while also honoring our commitment to care for those who are more vulnerable to serious infection. Some of the changes include: masking and distancing optional for outdoor events and reducing distancing to three feet indoors, which increases our capacity for worship and other programming. To read all of the updated guidelines go to:

Article II Study Commission Individual Survey – UUA
Deadline Extended: April 30, 2022
The Board wants the congregation to know about an important opportunity to contribute to the future of the wider UU faith. The UUA’s Article II Commission is seeking input from individual Unitarian Universalists on Shared Values, Inspirations, Purpose, and Covenant through a survey that closes on April 30. You can take as little or as much time as you wish to reflect on what UU principles, purposes and sources are important to your faith.
Every 15 years there is a study by the Article II Commission, to see how to keep our faith and focus relevant and adapt to a changing world. The survey is one way the Article II Commission is gathering information to guide the updating of the Bylaws, including the 7 Principles. Any recommended changes will be put to a vote at the 2023 GA.
Here is the link to the survey.
Below is a link to a statement by the Article II Study Commission from 2020 about work done so far. The deadline was extended to 2023 due to COVID.
What Brings Us Together: Reflecting on the First Six Months of the Article II Study Commission –
Growth & Learning

UU 101 Class
Saturday April 23, 10:00am – 11:30am
In Person – Welcome Room
Sunday May 29, 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Church Zoom Room
Do you have questions about Unitarian Universalism? Have you been attending worship for a while and want to get more connected? Join Rev. Kristen for a UU 101 class. Together we will explore:
- What does it mean to be Unitarian Universalist?
- Who historically were Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists?
- What are the values and beliefs that shape our faith tradition?
- What is the membership process at Saltwater UU?
Bring your questions and explore whether this might be your spiritual home. Questions or to RSVP, contact Rev. Kristen:

Harold & Ogden: a COVID era love story
Pre-order the newest book by Saltwater Writers
Now through June 2022
Hello Saltwater Folks, many of you will remember this serialized tale by the Saltwater Writers of how a dog brought love to Harold and his friends during the height of the pandemic. Please let Debra Valpey know if you would like to purchase copies. We will be printing them on an as needed basis. Cost is $5 with proceeds going to the church. Questions? Just contact Debra or call her at 206-953-5704.
Saltwater Pen Pal Project
Do you suffer from Zoom fatigue? Consider joining the Saltwater Pen Pal Project to exchange snail mail (or email) correspondence! Every 2 months you would be paired up with someone from the group to exchange your thoughts about the current Sparks of Wonder theme. Contact Joanne at if you are interested in participating.
Ways To Live Our Values
Share the Plate for April:
New Horizon School, Renton, WA
Half of all undesignated donations received in the month of March will be shared with New Horizon School
New Horizon School provides access to a specialized learning community for students who learn differently, including students with ADHD, Autism, and/or learning challenges. It serves children 4th -12th grade. It also offers Transition Extension, a community-based program, for students age 18 and beyond who have Developmental Disabilities.
You can make a donation to share the plate through the donate button on our website
or mail a check to the church office with “basket” in the memo line: Saltwater UU Church, 25701 14 Pl S., Des Moines, WA 98198.

Saltwater Climate Action Now! (SCAN!)
Monthly on the 1st Sunday, 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Church Zoom Room
This month’s meeting will recap our efforts to get climate-friendly legislation passed in this session’s Legislature in Olympia, which ends Thursday 3/10, so if you have yet to contact your state Reps to lobby your chosen Bill now is the time to do it. You can reference the state’s website to email your state Senator asking for their support. It’s a very user-friendly website. You can also contact your Senator by using the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000. If you’re not sure of your Legislative District number and/or your Senator’s name, the very friendly person at the other end will help you find them.
Join us on Sunday April 3 for our next SCAN! meeting. To learn how to join with our other lobbying efforts, contact Bill Adams at If you are interested in participating in future SCAN! efforts, please join in our monthly Zoom meetings and Act for Climate Justice. *** image credit: Margo Rolf

Sound Alliance
Monthly on the 2nd Saturday, 10:00am – 11:30am
Church Zoom Room
The Sound Alliance team works on multiple issues in alignment with our commitment to Social Justice. Our next meeting will be on Saturday April 9. The issues we focus on change from year to year, depending upon the concerns voiced by members of the congregation. Currently we are working to address and prevent homelessness, protect immigrant rights, and ease social isolation during the pandemic through the Social Connection Project. All members and friends of Saltwater UU Church and Bet Chaverim are most welcome to join us in our conversations and Act for Social Justice.

Stance for Racial Justice
2nd & 4th Sundays, 2:00pm – 3:00pm
In Person – Des Moines & Puyallup
Rain or shine, we stand for racial justice every other Sunday. Join us as we stand together in solidarity with our signs for justice. Please wear a mask and practice social distancing. We will gather on April 10 in Des Moines at the intersection of 272nd St. and Pacific Hwy S (near Jack in the Box and Arco gas). On April 24 in Puyallup from 2pm until 3pm at the intersection of 136th and S. Meridian (near post office and Sonic restaurant). Contact Colette DeMonte at for more information. ..

Racial Justice Organizing Team (RJOT)
Monthly on the 4th Monday, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Church Zoom Room
The next meeting will be on Monday April 25. Our Racial Justice Organizing Team meets monthly to discuss more ways to support our community in our anti-racism efforts. During the meetings they share ideas, provide support, learn about additional opportunities, plan events for our members, and work together to advance our commitment to Act for Racial Justice.
Climate Message of the Week

Buying less stuff=A healthier planet. Our choices as consumers are driving climate change.
Americans today consume twice as much as they did 50 years ago. Even though America has 5 percent of the world’s population, we use 30 percent of its resources and generate 30 percent of its trash. One industry study reported that “the stuff we consume—from food to knick-knacks—is responsible for up to 60 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and between 50 and 80 percent of total land, material, and water use.” For a quick explanation of how consumerism affects climate change watch The Story of Stuff (click here).
We invite you to sign up for a UUs for a Just Economic Community sponsored book discussion on “The Day the World Stops Shopping: How Ending Consumerism Saves the Environment and Ourselves” by J. B. MacKinnon. Sign up here. If book discussions aren’t your thing, google “how to buy less stuff” to get suggestions on cutting your consumption.
Are there topics or questions you’d like to see covered in future Climate Messages? Email suggestions to Sheri Jacobson at *** image credit: Pixabay
Ways to Connect
Weekly Meetings
Al-Anon Support Group
private zoom, contact for link
Mondays, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Meditation Group
Church Zoom Room
Tuesdays, 7:00pm – 8:15pm
We follow a UU modified Zen practice that includes lighting a candle, chiming a singing bowl, sitting & walking in silence, listening to words of wisdom, sharing tea and conversation. Our meetings have returned to Zoom meetings with the hope that we will start meeting in person in April. Would you like to join our group? Contact Jean Spohn or (206) 200-7524.

Writers Group
Church Zoom Room
Wednesdays, 9:30 am – 12:00pm
Do you like to write? Would you like to share and receive feedback on your writing? We welcome all writers at all levels! Please join us. Our mission is to support one another in our writing. For more information, contact Janeane Weprin 630-824-8343 or
Support Circle
Church Zoom Room
Thursdays, 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Our next support circle will be on Thursday, April 7.
Over Eaters Anonymous
Church Zoom Room
Fridays, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Twice a Month & Monthly Meetings
Saltwater Chalice Circles
Our chalice circle program has offered the opportunity to deepen and broaden spiritual growth while forming closer relationships with others. Currently, our circles are scheduled through June. If you have an interest in participating in our program contact Susan Aigner at

Saltwater Genealogy Club
Church Zoom Room
2nd Wednesday, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Do you love to talk about your family history and research? Saltwater Church has a Genealogy Club! We are not experts; we just share stories and research ideas. Our next meeting will be April 13. If you would like to join us or have any questions, please contact
Creative Hands
Church Zoom Room
2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Join us for an afternoon of visiting and working on our creative projects. We are returning to meeting over zoom until further notice. Bring your knitting, crocheting, hand sewing, jewelry making or whatever with you.

Ongoing Grief Support Group
Church Zoom Room
2nd Thursdays, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Grief is a recognition of endings, but it’s also a birth and a beginning (Judy Lief). Saltwater’s Grief Support Group (facilitated by Debra Valpey and Toska Rodriguez, lay ministers) is a safe place to explore loss and open ourselves to opportunity. Our next meeting will be April 14. All are welcome. Contact Debra Valpey (206-953-5704 or Toska Rodriquez (, 253 839-1921 if you would like more information or support in the interim.
Pair Sharing
Rev. Kristen’s Zoom Room (
Sundays, 11:45am – 1:00pm
Our upcoming gatherings will be on April 10, May 8, and May 22. There is healing power in telling truth and bearing witness. Pair Sharing is the spiritual practice of deep sharing and listening. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Janeane Weprin at
Paint Night
In Person – Welcome Room
4th Mondays, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Bring your own canvas of any size. All paints and supplies provided. RSVP to Jessica Alexander at Our next night of creativity will be on April 25.
Weekend Writers Group
Church Zoom Room
Alternating Sundays, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
There’s no time like the present to start writing that novel you have been dreaming about for years! Or maybe it’s time to share the poetry you have stashed away in your file drawer or to start immortalizing by writing down those unique memories that have been your precious life! And it’s a lot more fun if you have an audience of other writers to share them with. We welcome new members, WE WELCOME YOU! Any questions? Please phone me at 206-898-5452 or email me at It would be so great to hear from you and to welcome you to the Saltwater Weekend Writers’ Group. Our next meeting will be Sunday April 3.
Support Is Available
Do you need support? Please let us know, we want to help. Are you feeling lonely or isolated? We can connect you with a lay minister or another member of the congregation. If you have been affected by the pandemic financially, the Minister’s Discretionary Fund is available for one-time emergency support for members and friends of the church. Contact Rev. Kristen:
If you are in need of emotional or spiritual support, you can reach out directly to a Lay Minister:
Debra Valpey:
Mike Yanega:
Toska Rodriguez:
Support for Children, Youth, & Families
Family Ministries Zoom Room
Family-based Religious Education
This is “church in a box” for families. Families who sign up will receive story books, manipulatives, craft supplies, and discussion questions to help you and your children explore what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist family. New supplies will be distributed every 1-2 months, and will include seasonal and holiday activities as well. (Kits may be picked up at the church or delivered to your home). Email our Director of Family Ministries at if you would like to participate.
Religious Education Class Schedule
Religious Education Class for Children ages 5-11
Sunday mornings at 9:45am
email our Director of Family Ministries at to get the class zoom link
Middle School Virtual Youth Group for grades 6-8
Sunday afternoons at 1:00 p.m.
email our Director of Family Ministries at to get the class zoom link
High School Virtual Youth Group for grades 9-12
Sunday afternoons at 1:00 p.m.
email our Director of Family Ministries at to get the class zoom link
Family Support Circles
First & Third Mondays, 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Family ministries zoom room
Parents Facebook Group
Connect with other Saltwater Church families with children and youth for support through the Parents Facebook group:
General Information
How to Access the Church Zoom Room
To access Zoom, go to click on “To join a meeting-click here.” Or from the main church webpage, select Zoom Room from the drop down menu under “news and events” on the top menu bar. If this is your first time using Zoom, follow the prompts to download the application to your computer.
If you would prefer to join by phone, dial 1-669-900-6833 and enter Meeting ID: 736 142 4210 when prompted. You may need a password. If you do not have the password, please contact Melinda:
If you have a smartphone, you can download the Zoom app and join with Meeting ID: 736 142 4210 for video and audio connection. You will need a password. If you do not have the password, please contact Melinda:
A quick guide for our Zoom room can be found here. Feel free to download the file to keep a copy readily available at your fingertips.
Saltwater Church Building
The church building has opened for in person small group gatherings. If you wish to plan an event please use our online request form: Saltwater staff are primarily working from home while our Office Administrator is on-site Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00am until 1:00pm. If you need on-site assistance outside of regularly scheduled hours, email to schedule an appointment. Planting Flowers has resumed providing essential childcare support to families. Haitian Christians have resumed in-person gatherings with a limited capacity on Sunday evenings. Bet Chaverim has also resumed hosting some events in the Welcome Room & Sanctuary. Currently our facilities are closed for all rentals involving indoor activities.
Donations to Saltwater Church
When making a donation on the church website (click here), please indicate where you want your donation to go. After entering the amount of your donation, if you select “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card” you will see a line which starts with a pencil and has “add special instructions to the seller.” Please click on those words to specify “pledge” or your desired purpose. It will help our treasurer get money into the right places if that line is filled in. If you have any questions, email or call our treasurer Gaye Greeves at or 253-508-3961.
Please Note: Announcements, updates, and additions to the newsletter must be received by noon Wednesday to be included in that week’s newsletter. Send your submissions to or use the website form (click here).