Saltwater Church Newsletter July 17, 2020

Church zoom room go to
Each Sunday we are offering online worship through zoom at 10:30 am. For any of our worship services or meetings, you can join by computer or by calling in on your telephone. You can find more information about how to connect through zoom towards the end of the newsletter.

July: What Does it mean to be a People of Courage? 
This month we are exploring what it means to be a people of courage. Courage is about living from our hearts and discovering strength in the midst of challenge. Sometimes our courage comes from within, while at other times, it is sourced from the people in our communities who inspire us and help us to be brave. Join us to explore our faith together!

July 19: “Courageous Love,” Rev. Kristen Kuriga, Saltwater UU

July 26: “I am from…” Westside UU Racial Justice Change Team 

Summer Worship News:
Collaboration among Four Congregations

I am excited to announce that in the months of July and August we will be worshiping virtually with three other congregations: Northlake UU of Kirkland, Westside UU of West Seattle, and Cedars UU of Bainbridge. This worship collaborative is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between our congregations and find new and creative ways to worship. Saltwater will be hosting the services in our zoom room, so you will be able to connect in the same way you have been since we started worshiping on zoom. Each week there will be leadership from the different congregations using a shared order of service created for our summer worship together. We will also be alternating between social hour with all the congregations one week, and social hour with just Saltwater folks the next Sunday.

Ways to Live Our Values 

Share the Plate for July:
Poor People’s Campaign of WA 
Half of all undesignated basket donations received in the month of July will be shared with the Poor People’s Campaign of Washington. 
You can learn more about the Poor People’s Campaign here:
You can make a donation to the basket through the donate button on our website: or mail a check to the church office with “basket” in the memo line:  Saltwater UU Church, 25701 14 Pl S., Des Moines, WA 98198.

Racial Justice Organizing Team
Did you know there is a newly formed racial justice organizing team at Saltwater Church? We have gathered three times so far and our focus is on identifying local BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) led organizations to partner with, sharing ways to take immediate action on racial justice, and developing educational opportunities. For immediate action, we invite you to consider participating in the weekly Stance for Racial Justice on Sunday afternoons, getting engaged with UU the vote through weekly phone-banking, or getting connected with the Poor People’s Campaign (there is an upcoming day of action on July 20). There is information about all of these ways to take action in the church newsletter. Do you want to know more about the Racial Justice Organizing Team? Contact core team members: Meri Murphy ( or Amanda Radak (

Stand for Racial Justice:  Stand up, Show up 
Join fellow Saltwater Unitarian Universalists and other community members on Sundays from 2-4pm in a stance for racial justice.  
For the month of July, the group will rotate between locations in Puyallup and Des Moines. Please wear a face covering/mask and practice social distancing.
**Sunday, July 19th, in Puyallup at the intersection of 136th and S. Meridian (USPS office and Sonic restaurant) from 2-4pm
**Sunday, July 26th, In Des Moines at intersection of 272nd and Pacific Hwy S (Near Jack- in- the Box and Arco gas) from 2-4pm 
Please contact Colette DeMonte with questions at 

Living our Values through UU the Vote
Around the country, Unitarian Universalists are organizing to #UUtheVote, working to increase the participation of millions of disenfranchised eligible voters-especially people of color. UU the Vote ( is a national initiative working with ROV (Reclaim Our Vote) a bipartisan non-profit engaging voters who are prevented from exercising their electoral rights through voter suppression  and voter list purging. ROV volunteers inform and mobilize voters in the six most affected states, to make sure they are registered, and they know how to get a ballot and vote. We can live our UU values by working to ensure that all voices are heard in the democratic process, and that we work for policies that increase love, not hate.

Ways to take action:  Engage in weekly Reclaim our Vote phone banking
Training provided for volunteers each Monday afternoon. Learn more and sign up here: 

We are also working to organize a Saltwater UU postcard writing campaign. More details coming soon! 

If you would like to learn more about getting connected with UU the Vote, you can also contact Susie Dong:, Amanda Radak:, and Mary Neysa Peterson: maryneysapeterson

Strike for Black Lives
On July 20th, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is joining a coalition of major labor unions and racial and social justice organizations, including SEIU, the Fight for $15 and a Union, the Movement for Black Lives and many more, for the Strike for Black Lives a national strike day in support of dismantling racism and white supremacy, to bring about fundamental changes in our workplaces, economy, and society. You can learn more about how to take action here:  

Federal Way Day Center Donations Needed 
The Federal Way Day Center is providing important support to our local community while practicing social distancing. Below is a list of current donation needs:
*Paper towels* 
Single Use bowls (for cereal) 
Single use sturdy plates and cups 
Sugared cereal 
Protective gloves
You can park in front of the Day Center and call (253-893-7895) and someone will come out to pick up the donations.  33505  13 Pl S behind the Multi-Service Center.

Climate Message of the Week
BMW, Ford, Honda, and Volkswagen agree with California and are in favor of preserving tough emission standards.  Fiat Chrysler, General Motors, Toyota, Hyndai, Kia, Mazda, Nissan, Suburu and the National Dealers Association are lobbying for a rollback in the standards and for California and its allies to not be able to set State Standards different from National Standards.
If fighting climate degradation is important to you, please remember which side your favorite auto maker is on when it comes time to purchase your next car.  A letter to the CEO would also be a good idea.

Sound Alliance (Church zoom room) meets monthly on the second Sunday 9:00 – 10:15am

SCAN! (Saltwater Climate Action  Now!) (Church zoom room) meets monthly on the first Sunday noon to 1:30 pm

Ways to Connect

Al-Anon Support Group (church zoom room)
Mondays, 6:30-7:30 pm

Creative Hands (church zoom room)
Tuesdays, 1:30-3:30 pm
We will support one another in our creative ventures, as well as discuss ways that we can help our communities during this time.

Meditation Group (church zoom room)
Tuesdays, 8-9 pm
Join the meditation group on zoom to help nourish your spirit. The group will have a teaching, sitting meditation, walking meditation, and an opportunity to share.

Writers Group (church zoom room)
Wednesdays, 9:30 am- 12pm   

Support Circles (church zoom room)
Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 pm  

Over Eaters Anonymous (church zoom room)
Fridays, 5-6 pm    

Saltwater Church Chalice Circles have formed. 
Two new Saltwater Chalice Circles begin in July and will last through September. Chalice Circles have been an important part of Saltwater Church for many years. The Chalice Circle program deepens and broadens personal spiritual growth. The goals are to listen and be listened to in a safe place, learn about the mysteries of our world and our spiritual paths, and build new and deeper personal connections.
These two Circles are full, but we plan to start more Circles after September.  If you are new to Saltwater Church and would like more information about them, you are welcome to contact me.
-Susan Aigner Growth and Learning Team Lead  

Support Is Available
Do you need support? Please let us know, we want to help. Are you feeling lonely or isolated? We can connect you with a lay minister or another member of the congregation. Are you in a higher risk group and do not want to venture out to the grocery store? We may be able to connect you with someone in your neighborhood to help you get the supplies you need. If you have lost income from being sick or unable to work, or do not have enough money to buy extra food and supplies, the Minister’s Discretionary Fund is available for one-time emergency support for members and friends of the church. Contact Rev. Kristen: Do you need to go to work but don’t have childcare? Are there other needs that your family has? Please be in touch with Melinda:

If you are in need of emotional or spiritual support, you can reach out directly to a Lay Minister:
Debra Valpey:
Mike Yanega:
Toska Rodriguez:toska_r@hotmail.

Support for Children, Youth, and Families
Family Ministries Zoom Room 

Religious Education Class for Kids and their Grown-Ups 
(Note the new class address.)
Sunday mornings at 9:30 am,

Junior and Senior High Youth Group 
(Note the new class address.)
Sundays at 12 pm,  

Family Support Circles
First & Third Mondays, 7:30-8:30 pm
Family ministries zoom room

All Ages Movie Nights 
Saturdays, starting at 7 pm
Kid-friendly movies, all ages invited. Join us!
Family ministries zoom room 

UU Summer Kids Day Camp (online)–register now! 
Stories, Improv, and Theater  July 20-24
For the Love of Food!  Aug 3-7
Art and Painting  Aug 10-14
Minecraft for Environmental Justice  Aug 17-21

Each day of camp will have three Zoom calls, offline activities and craft projects, and on-demand videos and stories to watch as you like. Supplies for craft projects will be put together in kits to pick up on the Sunday before camp.
Sign up for one week, several, or all remaining.  These camps are collaborations from multiple area congregations.  Open to kids of all ages, and youth who are interested in helping to lead the kids.
They are Free! These camps are offered as a gift to the community and aim to be truly accessible to all. (Donations may be made to help cover the costs of supplies.)
Please contact Melinda Einander for more information.  Register online  
Registration must be received 8 days before the start of the session.

Parents Facebook Group 
You can also connect with other Saltwater Church families with children and youth for support through the Parents Facebook group:    

Updates from the Board & HCT

HCT Guidelines for Having Difficult Conversations,
As Unitarian Universalists we are committed to creating a safe space for conversations that foster, enable and encourage our own growth and learning. To this end and to help us remain a community in covenant, your Healthy Congregations Team offers guidelines/reminders for when we find ourselves having an emotional reaction to something another person has said in person and/or posted on social media. This is especially relevant in light of the current political and social justice challenges we are living with today. You can read the guidelines here: 

Upcoming Events

Social Distancing Grounds Work Party! 
Work at your own pace on your own schedule! For more information see

Ongoing Fundraising Opportunity
Handmade cards by Joanne Stonebraker. Find more information here:

General Information

How to Access the Church Zoom Room 
To access Zoom, go to
and click on “To join a meeting-click here.” Or from the main church webpage, select Zoom Room from the drop down menu under “news and events” on the top menu bar. If this is your first time using Zoom, follow the prompts to download the application to your computer.

If you would prefer to join by phone, dial 1-669-900-6833 and enter Meeting ID: 736 142 4210 when prompted. You may need a password. If you do not have the password, please contact Melinda:  

If you have a smartphone, you can download the Zoom app and join with Meeting ID: 736 142 4210 for video and audio connection.  You will need a password. If you do not have the password, please contact Melinda: 

Saltwater Church Building 
The church building is closed to all in-person programming, groups, and meetings.  Staff are working from home. Staff members will be going by the property to collect the mail and to check on the campus. Planting Flowers has resumed providing essential childcare support to families.  

Support for Saltwater U.U. Church 
Our fiscal year 2020-2021 begins July 1, 2020.  If your pledge changed in the recent pledge drive, remember to adjust your donation.  Contact your bank to adjust automatic payments.  If you have any questions, contact Gaye Greeves, or CJ Lewis, Thank you for your support.

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