Have you ever felt the weight of your humanity? Maybe you’ve come to know your fragile nature intimately? Imagine, in that moment of vulnerability, you make a decision to seek community. You walk in on bruised feet hoping to find someone to trust. This is a discussion about becoming that trustworthy community while maintaining boundaries.
As we conclude our Annual Giving Drive, we’ll share stories and songs that reflect the joy we feel when we know that We Are Welcome Here. Newcomers, long-timers and Rev. Alison will offer their insight on the many ways that Saltwater Church has welcomed them, and how they in turn have been the welcome of … Continue reading Our Joyful Welcome!
Emma Goldman said, “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.” Rev. Alison will lead us in an exploration our monthly theme, Living Love Through the Practice of Joy, that centers the cultivation of joy as an essential act of resistance to the systems of oppression that seek to rob … Continue reading Joy as an Act of Resistance
According to the earliest stories of Jesus’ death and resurrection, it was the women who followed him who stayed with him as he died and who were the first to witness the empty tomb as they arrived to care for his body three days later. Christianity exists because of the testimony of these women, so … Continue reading Many Women Were Also There: Easter Sunday